How To Obtain Goddess's Attention And Keep It.
Ahhh initial contact, so exciting, so new. It's even more exciting when Goddess actually responds. Congratulations, you've caught...

Negativity And Why I Don't Let It Bother Me. (Basic Blog #18)
Negative people exist in this World, and negative people will always gravitate towards those who are doing better in life than they are,...

Thinking About Goddess.
Well, here you are again, on the other side of the screen, reading My blog. you are here for a reason, it's because you just couldn't...

Getting What I Want Is So Hot. (Basic Blog #17)
The title says it all. Getting what I want is so hot, and Goddess gets what She wants, all day every day. Does this mean I am always...

Just AN OG Blog.
Sometimes it's nice just to write, you know, just write for the sake of writing. This blog has no sense of direction. It's just going to...

Toxic sub Habits That you Need To Change Today.
A sub never wants to believe that they are toxic. Why would a they intentionally engage in behaviour that could compromise their D/s...

Being Purposeful vs. Purposeless. (How To Be a Good sub.) D/s Relationships. (Basic Blog #16)
Being a sub is more than just a title. Being a true sub requires work. Being in a healthy D/s relationship takes even more work. Being a...

Servitude, Conflict, And Being A Lonely sub.
Servitude is a way of life. It is a commited way of life. Not everyone is ready to commit at the same point in their life, however they...

What It's Like To Belong to Goddess. (Basic Blog #14)
So many subs dream about what it would be like to be called Mine. So I thought it was time to write a blog about exactly what that feels...

To Take... Or Not To Take... That is The Question. (Basic Blog #13)
LOL. Some of you think that just because you offer, that a Goddess should be jumping on whatever it is that you have to offer. Well let...