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Being Owned, Collars, Tattoo’s, And All The Fun Stuff. (Basic Blog #30)

Originally Published December 10th, 2021 on is Goddess's new home. This site will not be updated as frequently unless I feel motivated to update it. Go over to My new Website and subscribe for all the latest updates. The new member section will be up soon. I will not be accepting new members on this platform as it is not active, so stop applying here, and contact Goddess via

Let’s start this blog off right. If you’re a sub, NEVER initially approach a Goddess asking Her to “own” you. That’s not how this works. Being owned is a privilege, an honor in the BDSM community and in life, being owned by your Domme is, a relationship level comparable to marriage. So fuck off, and stop asking Dommes to own you, especially when you don’t even know Them at all. It’s weird and creepy. Now, let’s get into the blog.

Let’s start with the whole asking to be “owned” thing. If you are a random sub who approaches in My inbox there is a 99.9% chance that I don’t want to own you, and about as high of a chance that I don’t want to interact with you on any other level at all either. Do you go up to random strangers on the street with Whom you’ve never interacted with before and ask them to marry you? No, you don’t, because that makes you look insane, there is no difference between this and asking a random Domme with Whom you never interacted with to own you. Being owned isn’t a word you throw around lightly. There is huge meaning behind it. Asking a Domme you’ve never spoken to before to own you is is extremely inappropriate, it’s intrusive… And honestly if the domme is interested in owning a stranger sub, who hasn’t earned it, well, it should be a red flag to the sub… But I guess it can’t be a red flag to the sub when you were the one who asked in the first place, honestly you idiots deserve each other. :)

If a sub asks Me to own them within the first message, it’s obviously a huge red flag. (Goddess has no issues with a sub approaching asking to be useful, however, there is a huge difference, and I will take issue when the sub throws the “o” word into the mix right away.) Asking to be owned without doing any work shows Goddess that you’re either A. selfish and lazy B. Not a sub or C. Uneducated about the lifestyle or D. All of the above. Honestly, it’s the same repeat offender “subs” that do this over and over, I might not hear from them for a year or so after telling them to fuck off prior, and lo and behold, they come back asking Goddess to own them again, not remembering ever approaching Me in the first place… (Because they ask literally every other Domme they can find the same thing.) And the real kicker is if Goddess opens their messages even an hour or two later and checks their profile says they are already “owned” by “goddesskittycatkittty696969696” or whatever.

Repeat offenders are repeat offenders, and if you think We don’t catch on to your shit, you really do have shit for brains, and if you fall for their scam you have shit for brains too. Anyways these types aren’t even worth talking about because they aren’t really subs at all, they are self-centered creeps, looking to get off, and stroke their own members and egos. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Goddess doesn’t do velcro. If you don’t know what velcro means… you’re apart of the problem.

Moving on…

I’ve written blogs in the past about the work to become owned so this one won’t get into the specifics…. But I will touch on this… Building a D/s relationship takes work, from both sides of the relationship. If you as a sub actually do put in the work with Goddess and we create a beautiful D/s relationship together, the day may come when you are offered your “collar.” Now a collar doesn’t have to be a literal collar… The collar is simply a metaphor for the status level of the relationship, much like how in marriage couples often choose to wear rings.

If you’re truly owned and claimed by a Goddess, you should feel honored, and you shouldn’t take advantage of it for a second, so few subs make it to this stage in the relationship. (A sub should never over commit if that not what’s in their hearts.) Yes, the submissive journey can be intense, it can be overwhelming, and sometimes you might need to take things slower, dip your toes in slowly if you will. If you communicate this with your Domme, the transition will be much smoother. If a true Goddess picks you to own you or head down that path with intention with you by Her side, it means She truly sees something special in you and feels something special with you. To the few subs who have who have made it to this stage in our relationship, Goddess gives those subs some options when it comes to their "collar,” some choose to wear a literal collar, but of course the dog collar isn’t something practical to wear 24/7 if you have a corporate or vanilla job outside of the house so there are also these options… Some of My subs choose to wear custom dog tags around their necks, some wear an engraved ring, some wear an engraved bracelet, and some make the most permanent commitment and choose to get Goddess’s Name tattooed or branded on their bodies. Regardless of what My sub wears, they feel incomplete without My Name touching their bodies, it’s a reminder of how lucky they are.

A tattoo or brand, is the ultimate commitment, and the most permanent way to physically show your lifelong commitment you made to serving Goddess, it’s something you cannot take off. (Well I mean you can, but that would be a very painful and expensive process… Plus why would you want to ever remove it!?) Imagine having a tattoo of Goddess’s Name on your body, “property of Queen Liv,” so hot right? Imagine being able to run your fingers over and feel My Name engraved into your submissive skin every day as a reminder of how lucky you are to be in Goddess’s life. But what if you’re not sure you are ready to commit to that? A permanent tattoo is a huge step, so Goddess has a solution for that as well! Goddess has custom temporary tattoos that My owned subs can wear as they warm up to the idea of having My Name permanently adorned to their body! It’s fun to experiment with placement until we find the perfect place to put My Name for life. It truly is the ultimate honor is to be able to wear Goddess’s Name and to see it whenever you look in the mirror. My two favorite places for a sub to place the tattoos are, on the left side of the chest above the heart, or on the pubic area, right above what’s Mine. :) Either way, whenever you or anyone see’s you fully. or partially unclothed, they will know exactly Who you belong to. Hot right?

Now for the fun stuff… What is the fun stuff? Being owned and all the things leading up to it, of course!! Tasks, getting to know each other, Goddess Worship, chastity, tease and denial, TPE, web cams, trackers, account monitoring, testing your limits, all different types of play… I could go on and on… But I’m not going to gratify your fantasies in this blog, if that was what you were hoping for too bad, so sad. If you want to find out all the fun stuff, well you’re going to have to get that tail out from between your legs, take a risk and approach. If not your life won’t be full of fun stuff and only full of boring, empty, meaningless stuff. Anyways, being in Goddess’s life is a blessing and a privilege and Goddess expects you to work hard every day to prove that you deserve to keep your place in My life. There is no excuse for shitty behavior, there is always a way to communicate conflict in a non-asshole way, by doing so you don’t risk losing all the fun stuff.

Anyways, I don’t feel like writing anymore, you get the point. If you still expect Goddess to want to own you after one, message, one tribute whatever… Guess what? I don’t want to own you weirdo. Go away. It doesn’t happen overnight, it never has never will. BUT, If you are a sub who actually wants to put in the effort to attempt to become one of Goddess’s devoted pets, or Goddess’s Personal property, then sure, approach, but just know that I probably won’t want to own you, I have high expectations, and if I do decide that I want to own you, or if I see that potential in you, I will work you to the bone, and push and test every single last one of your limits, thats the fun part… For Me at least. Sacrifice, dedication, growth, are all important when it comes to being the best owned sub you can be. Scratch that being the best kind of sub on any level. Honestly, some of you aren’t built to be owned, or be kept around long term, and that’s fine, I can still have My fun with you, as long as you’re a respectable good boy in Goddess’s presence. (Know your limits and don’t bite off more than you can chew, I can only stress this over and over. lol.) And if you’re not a respectable good boy? you’ll be cut off, maybe until you learn how to be a good boy or maybe for forever. I don’t have time for negativity, I live a life of pleasure, and I expect My subs to provide it, not destroy it. Does it hurt when I have to cut ties with one of My owned subs who go down the wrong path? Yeah, it does, a lot. But at the end of the day, I need to do what’s best for Me.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, if you as a sub do choose to attempt the long journey and head down the road to eventually being owned, guess what, it probably won’t be for months, more likely a year, maybe years. But that’s the fun part, Goddess will keep you guessing, and keep you striving, and keep you on the edge constantly, and when and if that day comes, when you fully accept your place and commit your life to Goddess, you can choose how to wear Goddess’s Name proudly, discreetly, or indiscreetly, through jewelry, or directly on your skin. And if you choose on your skin… Well every woman or person that you ever encounter semi or fully intimately will know exactly Who you belong to….

Until Next Time…

Goddess Liv


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