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Giving In To Goddess (Basic Blog #26)

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a “Basic Blog” and how lucky for you that Goddess felt generous to post another on a Saturday night. A 2 for 1 Blog week just for you. This blog is going to remain very basic, hence the title. Even though this blog is “basic” it will get the point across, and for those of you who have been in My life for a while or even just for the briefest amount of time know that Goddess has no issues getting Her point across. Ever.

So, if you’re here, you’ve either A: Already Given in to Goddess, and still are giving. B: Have given into Goddess at one point, and now you’re back here debating on doing it again. Let’s be honest it’s impossible to ever stop. I’m irresistible. C: Have been following Goddess for a while and are waiting for the right moment to give in. or D: Are a creepy lurker or domme type looking for educational blogs or advice…. If you’re “D” Leave now. This blog isn’t for you. So let’s get into the blog. If “A” Applies to you, I don’t need to convince you, or tell you how amazing giving into Goddess is, you’ve already it felt it… And let’s be honest if “B” applies to you, you also understand this. Serving Goddess is amazing. Finally letting go and accepting your place, is amzing. Enjoying Goddess is amazing. There are really no words to describe how euphoric it is. The privilege of being in My life is something you can’t ever put a price on. Goddess is so valuable that I am priceless. Serving Goddess is winning the lottery. Yes, that. good. So if “C” applies to you…. What’s holding you back? you’re here constantly… No matter how much you prepare at this point, nothing will ever prepare you for being in My life as actually taking the plunge will. you can’t live through words alone, you need to experience and feel what it’s like. Fantasies will only get you so far…. And let Goddess tell you this now… your fantasies are no where close to what the real thing would actually feel like… Honestly, you’re depriving yourself of the most amazing experience… Not to mention finally feeling and fulfilling and understanding your true purpose in life. Honestly, aren’t you bored of fantasizing yet? How exciting can it be to read the same words over and over when you could be experiencing things in real time… Imagine My words and My actions, actually directed towards you, not just general, generic statements that you read in My blog? How many times do you have to visit Goddess’s slave application to fill it out, and then you just chicken out and fail to hit submit. It must be tiring. Believe Me, there is nothing as thrilling as actually hitting submit. Maybe I’ll reject you, but if you don’t try… you will never know. Living in fantasy is sad…. it’s pathetic really. your real life is waiting to start… Waiting for you take the plunge…. Don’t you want to experience what it’s like to be a good boy for Goddess? Don’t you want to fulfill your purpose? What about the indescribable pleasure that comes along with it all? your hand and stupid fantasies will never compare to the real thing… your brain could never come up with the brilliance and perfection that is Goddess. So If you have been debating for a while…. you might as well group yourself into category “D” and leave…. Because this isn’t a place for fantasy. you’re boring and pathetic, and this is My real life. It could be yours too, if you stopped being such a coward. Not to mention… It’s pretty selfish to live in fantasy…. Considering the only person it “benefits” is yourself. Remember what your purpose is…. To serve Goddess. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to finally decide to take the plunge…. There is no more looking back. Remember that anything that you do from this point forward should be in Goddess’s best interest. Goddess comes first. you live to please Goddess. you never want to put your pleasure before Goddess. Pleasing Goddess, pleases you beyond words…. Trust Goddess, and let Goddess guide you to purpose, bliss and true happiness. you will realize that before… you were never truly living…. Anyways…. I have subs to tend to.
Until next time….
Goddess Liv


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