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Keeping your Place In Goddess’s Life. (Basic Blog #28)

Originally Published November 24th, 2021 on is Goddess's new home. This site will not be updated as frequently unless I feel motivated to update it. Go over to My new Website and subscribe for all the latest updates. The new member section will be up soon.

Welcome to another one of Goddess’s basic blogs. If you’re here, maybe you already have a place in Goddess’s life, or maybe your goal is to earn a place in My life, regardless this blog is perfect for you. Like all My basic blogs, this one will be straight and to the point. Goddess has expectations, and they are very realistic. I strongly believe that all of My subs are capable of reaching them, that is, if they stay focused and dedicated like good boys. This blog is going to teach you everything you need to know in order to stay in Goddess’s good graces.

1. Communicate

This is really as simple as it sounds. I’m pretty sure I’ve written a blog on the importance of communication somewhere else so I’m not going to get into too much detail here. First of all why wouldn’t you be eager to communicate with your perfect Goddess? Anyways, communication is so crucial to maintain a healthy and functional D/s relationship. Sometimes we have bad days, some days we might not be in the mood/right state to talk, and that’s fine, communicate it. Struggling financially or mentally? Communicate it. Need to go off the grid for x-amount of time for a work or family engagement? Communicate it. Don’t ghost. Having concerns or maybe you’re just not comfortable with a certain type of play or experience Communicate. Are you having trouble completing a task? Communicate. I think you get it, no matter what comes up, you should always feel safe enough to communicate your feelings or concerns to Goddess. you won’t be judged.

2. Never Biting off More Than you Can Chew

This is another pretty straight forward point. Sometimes subs get over eager. Excitement will kick in and the sub may promise more than they are capable of providing, whether it be physically or financially. Making promises of grandeur aren’t hot if you can’t follow through. Not all subs are capable of contributing as much as My other subs. And that’s okay. If you accidentally bite off more than you can chew… Communicate. There is nothing worse than looking like you intentionally lied to Goddess.

3. Alway Being Respectful

This one shouldn’t be hard to uphold. If Goddess respects your boundaries and limits you should always respect Her in return. Respect is a 2 way street, and yes, even subs deserve some form of respect. It’s impossible for any relationship to thrive otherwise. Goddess doesn’t care if you had a bad day, or if something else is going on in your life, internal conflict or otherwise, it doesn’t excuse disrespectful behavior. Goddess doesn’t deserve to be called names or to ever be treated like your personal punching bag. Goddess is Superior, and you never disrespect your Superior. Disrespectful behavior is inexcusable, and you will immediately be removed from Goddess’s life.

4. Worshipping Goddess As She Deserves

you are so lucky to be in Goddess’s life. Goddess amazing, and it’s a huge privilege to be able to worship and communicate with Goddess so closely. Every day that you are in Goddess’s life you should work just as hard as you did the day before. What does Goddess deserve? The best. Everything. A good boy. All of the above. There is no excuse to ever slack off around Goddess. Material forms of worship are only one way that you can worship and appreciate Goddess. Respect, good conversation and deepening your connection with Goddess goes a long way. Never forget how lucky you are to be in Goddess’s life. you can always do better.

5. Growth (Within the relationship and as a sub)

Goddess’s goal as your Domme is to form a deep connection, and to help you grow as a sub and as a human. If you keep making the same mistakes over and over it can be frustrating and it will get to a point where Goddess will withdraw from the relationship. This also applies if the relationship goes stagnant. There are always ways to grow and evolve as a person and as a sub, and if you fail to do either, it makes Goddess feel like She’s failing as your Domme and I will ultimately cut ties.

6. Respecting your Commitment

This one is as simple as it sounds. If you aren’t owned this doesn’t apply to you. If you are hoping to be owned this applies to you. If you want to belong to Goddess, and fully serve Goddess as She deserves then you need to honor Goddess. If you are under contract honor the terms of your contract. If you’re owned you belong 100% to Goddess. Temptation shouldn’t ever be a thing. If you stray from Goddess, you will be reprimanded and then removed from My life. Goddess doesn’t have time for games, nor do I appreciate My money or subs services being used elsewhere without My permission. Especially when it’s for a cheap thrill, at the end of the day, nobody will ever compare to Goddess. If you want to test this out, and possibly be “rented” out to another Domme, or explore with other Dommes, thats a discussion we will have together and find the best course of action, it’s never something you should decide on your own. Doing this without Goddess’s permission is considered theft. Loyalty is something Goddess values and so should you. And honestly, a relationship without trust isn’t a relationship at all.

7. Conflict And Knowing When To Apologize

Conflict happens. However, how you choose to deal with conflict will determine if you stay in Goddess’s life or not. If you take point 1 into account you will have a leg up on how to deal with conflict. Ding, ding, ding, communicate! Goddess wants what’s best for you, and sometimes you might not see that, but when you do, it’s best that you apologize, and not let the situation escalate. Yes, there is a time for debate, there is a time to respectfully question things, but there is also a time to agree that Goddess knows what’s best for you. Go on, and eat your humble pie. Goddess is your protector, and wants what’s best for My subs. Also, this should go without saying, but if you fuck up, apologize, and apologize in a matter that Goddess finds more than satisfactory. If fuck ups become a common occurrence you will no longer remain in My life.

Anyways, I want to keep this blog basic, and these were 7 very key points. If you follow these guidelines, you should have no problems remaining in Goddess’s life. Goddess’s goal for every D/s relationship is for both parties to be happy, and feel like they are getting something out of the relationship. Until next time, Goddess Liv


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