Keeping your Place In Goddess’s Life. (Basic Blog #28)
Originally Published November 24th, 2021 on is Goddess's new home. This site will not be updated as frequently unless I feel motivated to update it. Go over to My new Website and subscribe for all the latest updates. The new member section will be up soon.

Welcome to another one of Goddess’s basic blogs. If you’re here, maybe you already have a place in Goddess’s life, or maybe your goal is to earn a place in My life, regardless this blog is perfect for you. Like all My basic blogs, this one will be straight and to the point. Goddess has expectations, and they are very realistic. I strongly believe that all of My subs are capable of reaching them, that is, if they stay focused and dedicated like good boys. This blog is going to teach you everything you need to know in order to stay in Goddess’s good graces.