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What It's Like To Belong to Goddess. (Basic Blog #14)

So many subs dream about what it would be like to be called Mine. So I thought it was time to write a blog about exactly what that feels like and of course what is expected. To put it in simple terms belonging to Goddess is amazing. But duh, that goes without saying. But let Goddess give you a little glimpse into the lives of My loyal subs.

So I have been in the scene since 2012, crazy that it's been almost 9 years! How I have grown. Over these years, My kinks have changed, or appreciation for certain kinks have either grown or dissolved. I have experimented and tried things that I may or may not have liked. I have made mistakes, I have been heartbroken and hurt along the way. I have grown and evolved in to the Domme I am today, and some of My subs have been lucky enough to be on the journey with Goddess almost this entire time... Or on and off... As I always say... Once My sub always My sub. Some connections aren't made to be broken. I cherish every single relationship I've been in for the good and the bad. Each relationship has helped Me grow and has helped shape me into the Domme that I am today.

Daily life.

Not all of My subs serve at the same capacity. Most subs dream to be 100% Mine but... Not every sub is capable of living the lifestyle 24/7 and that's completley understandable, which means not every sub can commit to being Goddess's loyal sub fully daily. That doesn't mean when they aren't serving, that they aren't thinking of Goddess however... So when you ask the question, what is it like to belong to Goddess/Be in Goddess's life? Well that varies. But overall the best way to describe it as, is amazing. So anyways how is daily life for My subs. Let's break it down by type of sub to simpify it. My subs range from those who are casually serving to 24/7 TPE. I appreciate every relationship for what it is.

TPE subs.

Let's start out with the most fun type of sub. (I won't get into personal details, because I like to keep My most intimate of relationships... Well intimate.) And I mean most fun as this type of sub truly let's me indulge in and explore the fetishes that I am post passionate about, which allows Me the gift of embracing My true power. My TPE, 100% owned subs. These subs have reached sub nirvana. This type of realtionship takes TIME to build, you cannot expect a TPE relationship to form overnight, that's completley unrealistic. These subs willingly hand over control to Goddess, they aren't forced to and they definitley aren't threatned. Everything I do with My subs is 100% consensual and limits are ALWAYS respected. My TPE subs and I communicate daily, unless other life priorites come up and are communicated prior. Even sans communication, I can check in on them in many ways. From TPE subs I expect to see a greeting on My phone by the time I wake up. (And yes, My most loyal subs have a direct line of communication to Goddess, lucky boys.) A greeting, a morning tribute, potato, potatoe. TPE subs are a lot of fun. Why? Because they have truly given in. A trust has been acheived where that sub feels safe enough to give complete control to Goddess. Nothing is kept a secret. Goddess has access to ALL. Every single account? Financial, email, social... Now Mine. Goddess decides what goes where. My TPE subs still live without financial strain. With the bulk going to Goddess obviously. ;) With TPE it is very important to practice properly. Someone handing you their entire life is a GIFT. Gifts should be respected and not destroyed. I know My subs schedule, I know when they get paid, I know which bills they have to pay, I decide when they can go out to dinner or treat themselves, I track their every move. When they are at work, I know, when they are at the store Goddess knows, when they are at home, Goddess knows. It is so very hot. Some I even have cameras set up throughout their homes that I can control. Goddess is always watching, and they don't know when either, which ups the hotness factor. It's always funny when I drop in unexpectedly and make them jump. I don't just control finances, I also control lifestyle. Goddess has a firm and secure grip on My subs life and especially around their balls. :) I make sure My subs are productive and healthy, financially, physcially and mentally. All three are SO SO important in maintaining this type of relationship. I cherish MY TPE subs as much as they cherish Me. :) My TPE subs are thriving, and that is the way that any true Goddess should want things to be.

Longterm/Owned subs.

Longterm subs are also amazing. These subs may or may not be on the cusp of graduating to TPE sub. However, not all subs are built to become TPE subs. Longterm subs and Goddess have also developed a wonderful relationship. There is a trust and they have also become owned. The graduation from under consideration to owned sub is an amazing one. It's when a sub has the right to finally claim that they are Mine. So hot. My longterm subs/owned are always gifted by Goddess. They may be gifted a collar, dog tags, a tattoo, branded ect. This depends on what the subs is comfortable with. But it is usually one of these, having the privilege of wearing Goddess's name is amazing. It gives you purpose. Owned subs may not have given up complete control to Goddess but they have given up enough to have handed over some degree of control. Small steps... They may be on the way to TPE or they may also be comfortable serving at the owned capacity. These subs may still be on a modified schedule/budget, they may have even given access to some accounts. Goddess will assign tasks when She feels like it, and those tasks are expected to be completed. There is no schedule for playdates, it's simply about when Goddess feels like it. My subs exist to please Me. I expect them to always be eager. My subs should be dripping at the thought of pleasing Goddess. This is their purpose. Goddess is very demanding. There is no "rule book," at the end of the day it's about what the sub and what Goddess is comfortable with. Much like TPE subs, I expect My owned subs to have daily communication with Goddess unless communicated otherwise. My owned subs and I have to have a connection, if there is no connection, there is no reason to own them. I want to enjoy My subs as much as they enjoy Me. I love chemistry with My subs. It's so very hot. I want My subs to be happy and productive good boys.

Under consideration subs.

Ahhh the excitement of being in a new and fresh relationship, and under consideration. Let Me make this clear though, not all subs who are under consideration are new. A sub doesn't become owned until both Goddess and the sub are ready for that step. A sub can be under consideration for months even years. Crazy right? Not really. Like I said at the beginning of this blog... Not every sub has the ability to serve at the same capacity. This can be for many reasons... Maybe they can't due to their personal lives, or maybe they just aren't mentally ready. Servitude is a huge commitment and being owned isn't something that someone should just jump into. The time a subs is unconsideration should be valued and cherished. This is a time for exploration and when to find out what does and doesn't work within your relationship dynamic. So what do I do with My subs during this time? We work on communication, we explore mutual kinks together, and of course I push the subs limits. And when I say push... I push to the proper limit, not beyond. I don't break My toys. The period where My subs are under consideration is the time to learn and explore... I also learn how trainable they are... This is where I decide if they will make it to the level of being owned or just stay under consideration/casual. I like My subs bright eyed and eager to please. Goddess only wants the best. Correction, Goddess deserves only the best. :)

Casual serving subs/Drivebys.

This category is love hate for Goddess. I enjoy casual subs from time to time. Mostly when they were an owned sub at one point, but could no longer continue to serve a the capacity that either of us needed. It's nice to keep certain subs in My life. As I said before, a true connection with a sub can never be broken, even when we are apart and not speaking, there is always a part of the sub that will continue to belong to Me. When you explore such intense things together, you become fused together at some kind of spirtual level. So yes, I enjoy keeping in touch with those who cannot be 24/7 Owned full time. I enjoy rekindling our connection, even if it is just for a short period of time. I also don't mind playing with subs who I have UC (Under consdieration) casually when I know they just aren't made for full time ownership. Plus Goddess leads a busy life, I don't have time to commit fulltime to every sub who wants to be Mine. And yes we can both still enjoy the relationship knowing where the ceiling ends. Now... Drivebys. lol. This is a something I am open to but have to be in the mood for. Some drivebys come through social media, others through My phone services. I have fun with these types of subs but I have to be in the mood. Most of the time I would rather play with My devoted subs. Devoted subs just hit different.

So I hope this blog gave you an idea of what it's like to be in Goddess's life and what is expected. Belonging to Goddess is amazing, and being in My life comes in many forms. Not every D/s relationship is the same, nor should it be. We are all different. If you are in Goddess's life it's for a reason, so don't be stupid and don't screw it up. I appreciate My subs, without My subs a huge part of My life would be missing, and I know My subs feel the same way. subs shouldn't compete with other subs to the point of being jealous of who can provide more. If you're in My life it's because I want you to be, and only Goddess can tell you what is and isn't enough. Goddess will never push a sub beyond their means. So if another sub can provide more than you... Well it doesn't mean you are any less valued, it simply means that you provide for Goddess in different ways which are still equally as important to making Me happy, which is why I keep you in My life!


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