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Becoming My property.

It's every subs dream to be owned, but that dream will never become a reality if you don't work for it. Successful Dommes are bombarded daily with emails, DM's, messages whatever you want to call them from subs who are "desperate" for their attention. But how many of those messages are serious, I mean very serious. Sure you think it's cute, and exciting to tell a Domme that you want to server Her, or that you want Her to "own" you, but do you really know what that entails? Do you think saying those words turns Her on? Newsflash, they don't, as stated above a Domme get's countless emails stating so DAILY.

As a Lifestyle Domme this is My REALITY. Being a Domme isn't a "roleplay," it isn't a "fantasy," a sub can't pay Me x amount of dollars to engage in their kinks. Being a Domme it's something I live every single day, it's something that makes Me feel good and something that makes Me feel whole. Being a Domme is who I am. I crave control, I crave true submission from My subs, I crave happiness, true euphoric, erotic happiness every single day. My true subs provide this. So when I get messages from unknowns claiming that they want to be "owned," or that they want to "serve Me," I know better. I don't take anything at face value, because most of it is bullshit. Too many involved in the online scene are either inexperienced and don't know what they want, or they don't even know what a real D/s relationship truly entails... or they want to live out a fantasy. Like I said I don't do fantasy. So how does one become My property? Is it an impossible to navigate labyrinth or are you just lazy/uncommitted af.

Let Me make this as simple as possible for you, it's probably the latter. But this blog will "simplify" the process to being owned by Goddess, however just because I "simplify" it, it doesn't mean that you will be able to meet My standards, because at the end of the day a relationship takes commitment, honesty and actual work.

Let's make this as "simple" as possible.

1. The Introduction.

Approach Goddess with respect, state your intentions in the relationship. Do not just list off the usual blabber. I have zero interest in you telling Me how amazing I am. I KNOW. I have zero interest in hearing how you enjoy My blogs. I KNOW. I have zero interest in hearing about your internal conflict. I AM NOT YOUR THERAPIST, I am a STRANGER and so are you. I don't want to hear about all your kinks. I'm not interested. What I am interested in is how you can make My life better by serving and making Me happy. I don't need words. I need action. Show Goddess you are worth even getting to know. If you can't do this you will never get a response.

2. The Getting To Know Each Other Phase.

If you get this far... During this phase there is a lot of testing the waters. It's about determining chemistry, building a connection, it's about establishing limits and pushing them to help you grow, to help the relationship grow. I will usually a set task(s) for the sub to complete and yes, they will be challenging but that's the point, to challenge you, to see how committed you are to being in My life. Yes, these challenges will be hard but no they will not kill you or put your in danger. The point of these challenges is to sort the worthy from the unworthy. Can you truly be selfless, do you truly want to put Goddess first in life, do you know that Goddess is everything? These tasks test how selfless you can be, they test how big of a priority pleasing your Goddess is to you. The thing is, if you fail a task this early on, that's it... Because in the beginning is when you should be super eager and willing to do anything to be in Goddess's life. The garbage is sorted out real quick here.

3. Growing closer to Goddess.

The closer we grow together, the more intense and amazing the relationship will become. As we grow closer Goddess will take more and more control from you, and you won't even realize that it's happening. you will love every moment of it. (I WILL NEVER TAKE CONTROL OF EVERYTHING FROM THE BEGINNING THAT'S RECKLESS AND SHOULD BE A FLAG. DON'T TRUST STRANGERS.) Giving up control is what you crave, and Goddess will take more and more over time as a reward. During this period we also explore and discover the D/s dynamic. (And yes there is a lot of playtime. Nothing hotter than discovering what a sub does and doesn't like... Pushing their limits... ) If you do something to upset Goddess, Goddess will withdraw and spend energy elsewhere with subs who deserve be given such a privilege, it's really that simple. I grow close to deserving subs, we develop a real connection, it's about more than just a D/s relationship it's about creating a lasting life long connection.

4. Communicating concerns, changes, feelings, opening up.

The longer a relationship develops the more likely conflict, concerns, even doubt may come up. This is also when/where the "doubt period" can often occur. This can make or break a relationship. The majority of subs are idiots, and those idiots choose to shut down, ghost, or even lie. Yes, giving up control is scary, but this journey is also amazing. These actions will either destroy a relationship immediately or it will be a slow burn over time. If there is something that is bothering you, communicate with Goddess. If there is something happening in your life that will take you away from the relationship full-time, needing to participate at a lower capacity, step away for a week, month, few months, year, forever, whatever, you need to communicate and be honest! If you can't do either your relationship will die and Goddess will start to resent you. If you want the relationship to succeed but also have other things going on in your life, COMMUNICATE, Domme's are human and understand that life is sometimes unpredictable. (WE ALSO HAVE LIVES. DUH.) However Goddess will NOT understand why you chose to ghost out instead of communicate, and if you do so, there's a big chance She won't let you come back "when you feel like it." Ghosting hurts and affects your Goddess. A D/s relationship is about more than just you. And so many idiots fail to remember that. This should also go without saying, if you feel the need to "pay" other Dommes, be unfaithful in a D/s relationship you've already "committed" to and on top of that fail to communicate it, well you're a piece of shit, and also shouldn't be trying to become ANYONES property. your Domme should be your entire World and you should want to explore those kinks with HER and only Her. you should want to make HER life better and provide pleasure to Her and only Her, so why would you want to take away from it and give to someone else...? Other than the sole purpose of being a selfish piece of shit. Anyways, paying or serving someone else SHOULD NOT even be in the conversation this early on when you are still trying to prove your worthiness to be in your Dommes life.

5. Lasting connection, overcoming obstacles and Goddess is #1.

This part isn't cut and dry. And I really don't want this blog to become a novel, because it very well could be with this content. However, if you are someone who comes into My life and happen to get past the first 4 points successfully then you will know what comes beyond 5. But let's be honest many of you will NEVER, you just aren't capable, you aren't built for this and you aren't worthy of having Goddess in your life. And that's just life, it's not fair and not everyone get's to have everything that they want. But... If you failed to get that far honestly that's on you, you just didn't try hard enough, or maybe the connection just wasn't meant to be. you can't force chemistry, however when you find a Domme that makes you feel things that you never thought you could feel before, well if you fail that's your own fault. I don't need to keep just anyone around. I have good subs, I have amazing subs and I won't try to "save" a relationship who hasn't proven that it is worth saving. I know how amazing I am and so do they. The ones who have become My property became My property over different spans of time. There is no set time period for someone to become My property. I choose to label a sub so when it feels right to Me. It could be months even years to earn that title.


Remember that word, as a sub you are not entitled to anything, I will show you respect if you show Goddess respect, its about mutuality.Nothing life will ever fall into your lap, especially not when you're the sub who needs to work for his Goddess. you don't get to worship perfection for free, you don't get My attention just because you said hi, or complimented Me. Being My property is an honor, but remember it's always going to be on My terms. And if you're a garbage sub it's never going to happen.

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