I don’t need your money. (No, seriously, I don’t.)

I don’t know what’s happened the the scene the last few years, but the Findom scene has taken a nose dive. It’s been diluted by those “role playing” and those just “trying” to make a quick buck. And frankly it’s gross, and it ruins it for those of us who actually find actual enjoyment and pleasure out of the kink, not to mention it makes "subs" think that their tributes are "needed," even more gross.
I LOVE Findom, I love power exchange, I LOVE the relationships I have built with My loyal subs over the years. My relationships with My subs bring joy AND pleasure into My life in many ways, I’m speaking mentally, spiritually and yes, materialistically. I mean what Goddess doesn’t love buying things. Pretty things, anything really, and it’s really, REALLY hot when it DOESN’T come out of My own pocket. There is something super erotic about it, I can’t explain why but spending My subs money really turns Me on... A LOT. I guess I can try to explain...
So, I am very financially stable and independent WITHOUT relying on My subs. Goddess has a very large bank account and multiple assets. I am VERY secure. I don’t need Findom or a sub to “survive.” But the thing is... No matter how rich I become, and no matter how many things I can buy “on My own” the purchase will never be as thrilling or satisfying as when it comes out of the pocket of My faithful sub. The connection and the exchange... When My sub gives... Mmmm. The sacrifice, the exchange, knowing that their money belongs in My hands, My account, My wallet, wherever I decide to put it, is so VERY hot. Thinking about it alone turns Me on as I’m writing this. Taking, from My subs because I CAN and because they want to give is absolutely indescribable.( I love Findom because I love the kink, the kink makes Me feel really good and it is never because I NEED something from a sub to survive. And this is where the dilution is coming in, this isn't a hustle. It's gross when you use someones kink to benefit from them and fake having a fetish. Inauthenticity is GROSS. )
Findom is amazing when it’s done RIGHT. To Goddess Findom is not about being lowballed, it's not about accepting something just because it's "offered," (I say NO or nothing at all, more often than not.) it’s not about providing a service in exchange for funds EVER. Findom is always about My pleasure and what makes Me happy and feel good. Of course My subs are very happy too, because their pleasure is reciprocal of Mine. When Goddess feels good, My subs feel really good too! It’s never about what “I” can do for My sub, it’s always about what My sub can do for Me, and the end result being what that does for us together. A D/s relationship is special. It’s a connection, a bond between two parties. Something amazing. Something that feels really, really good, because that's how it was always meant to be. It’s really that simple.
A successful D/s relationship can’t be forced. Both parties have to be WILLING. And both parties have to be in it on all levels, otherwise that relationship will FAIL. Communicating concerns should always be a priority on both sides or things will fall apart quickly. So communicate with your Goddess, and if you’re scared to tell Her how you’re feeling? Well, maybe the relationship isn’t right for you. The right relationship will still have challenges, sure, but you should be WILLING and wanting to work through those challenges because your Goddess is EVERYTHING to you.
Now, as I said above I don’t need subs as “meal tickets,"or as a way to pay My bills, I am more than capable of doing that on My own. I won't ever beg or chase a sub down "demanding" that they pay Me, thats not very dominant and also its just tacky/desperate af. (I thought subs were supposed to be the desperate ones.) Also at the end of the day My happiness and mental health are always priority #1, so yes, there will be times where I “step away,” online and no that always won’t be communicated to the general public but My subs and those close to Me will NEVER be put in the dark. Having access to Goddess’s life is a PRIVILEGE and NOT a right. So only those who deserve and have earned a place in My life will have one outside of the “public online scene.” I don’t owe anyone an explanation who isn’t one of My subs or someone important in My life. Why? Because I really don’t care and don’t have time to communicate to people who do nothing to make My life better, and I will NEVER put My mental health at risk to do so. So yes, there are times when I won’t be “available” where I won’t respond, and if this happens to you, well that’s your own fault because you haven’t earned a spot in My life. So deal with it, if you’re caught on the outside that’s nobody’s fault BUT your own... And really that's just sad.
So this comes to all the messages I’ve come back to. Ugh. I don’t care how many times some of you message Me, if I’m not interested in you, or what you can “provide” in My life I won’t respond. Simple as that. And no matter how many times you offer the same garbage over and over, My Mind will NOT change, because like I said before I DON’T need and will NEVER need you, because I have everything I NEED in My life. subs who I allow into My life earned that privilege or have something that I want/have an amazing connection with. Got it? Good.
Now for the subs who ghost and expect Goddess to chase after you... HAH. No. Not happening. Do you really think My World is going to crumble without you? Like I said, I feel like I’m starting to sound like a broken record here but some of you are really that dumb, I don’t NEED you, and if you’re dumb enough to throw the best thing that ever happened to you away? That’s your loss. Has Goddess reached out to subs before for an explanation in the past? Sure, if they were owned, had a strong connection, vanished and that ghosting had emotionally affected Me, you know for closure. I need closure for My mental health. (Because I form deep connections with My subs and if one of them just "vanishes" it DOES effect Me on some level.) And even then sometimes I haven’t got closure, (but whatever it gets to a point where it’s mentally taxing and NO sub is worth that, especially one who doesn’t care enough to put your emotional well being into consideration.) End of D/s relationships are just like any other breakup, they always takes time to heal. But no, you run of the mill here and gone idiots? I really could care less where you go, because I have everything I need and more, with or without you. If you stay and keep Me happy great, and if you vanish? Oh well, there’s plenty more where that came from and I really don’t have an interest chasing someone who added small to nothing of value to My life.
So to the subs in Goddess's life you are very lucky to be where you are, and I am very happy to have you in My life, if I wasn't you would no longer be around. I have in the past and will continue to cut off toxic subs, no matter how "large" their tributes may be/have been. I am ALWAYS growing as a Domme and Human, I have made mistakes in the past and I have admitted to them. When My subs make mistakes and take responsibility for them instead of shutting down they gain My respect, those who shut down and act irresponsibly? Earn resent. I just don't like those who add stress to My life, and I will never allow someone who causes mental stress to stay in it. Relationships are a 2 way street, if you can't look outside of yourself and how your actions may affect someone then you shouldn't be in a relationship at all... Especially as a sub. subs put Goddess first, a good sub would NEVER want to intentionally hurt their Goddess. Remember, emotional abuse is still abuse. If something is going on in your life that is causing you to act out, your Goddess is NOT a punching bag, and throwing money at your Goddess to make up for your behavior after the fact means nothing if you're going to just do it again in a few weeks. Money is REPLACEABLE, a meaningful D/s relationship is not so easily replaced. Money is not a bandaid and it does not heal any emotional pain you may have caused. you may be shocked but actions ALWAYS mean more. Action in conjunction with money is the ultimate in Findom. A sub who sends money and means it, is what makes Findom, Findom. HOT.
Money without meaning is just money, money in exchange for a service is just exactly that. I don't need it. I don't find joy in it. Forcing/breaking a sub to send? Ew. Sending subs "pics" to encourage/entice them. Gross. My true subs know how amazing I am, they don't need to be "reminded" and I don't have time for that either, it doesn't make Me feel good, and it does absolutely nothing for Me knowing that the sub didn't want to do it in the first place.
I find joy/pleasure in connection, control, feeling how desperate My sub is to please Me, making a sub feel "weak," feeling how badly My sub wants to make Me feel good, My good boy, even My best good boy, and knowing that by making Me feel good My subs also feel something amazing that they can't feel or find anywhere else is just so hot.
Serving and being close to Goddess is ecstasy, making Goddess feel good is what drives a sub a sub should NOT have to be "driven." Does this make sense yet?
This isn't a "job" for Me, I don't need to spend hours every day "hustling," messaging, and searching for subs to "pay Me" or to "reimburse __________. If the right sub comes along, sure I'm open to explore it... I believe that those who are meant to be in My life will come along. D/s is My lifestyle, being a Domme is who I am, if I didn't have this part of My life I would feel like something is missing. The intense connections I have with My subs and the pleasure that I receive from them can't be found any where else. It just can't. I look forward to interacting with My subs daily, they are important parts of My life.
The general internet World however?
When I tire of the bullshit of the internet, or become mentally exhausted I will take "breaks" because this isn't My meal ticket and in reality I am not taking a break from My lifestyle, just from the public internet side of things, because some of you morons are extremely mentally taxing, and there are times when I am happiest in My own World, My own bubble, with My own subs doing the things that make Me feel good. I am the center of My subs universe after all...
I love Findom, I love Kink, I love D/s and I love interacting with My subs. I engage in kink because I ENJOY it, not because I see it as a payday. I love things that make Me feel good and ultimately give Me pleasure.The rest of it? Meh. My subs are important to Me, but if they do become toxic in My Life they WILL be removed, it's really not that complicated. I don't need a Findom relationship as means for survival, I do it for pleasure and pleasure alone. No pleasure? Bye. If there was something rotting in your garbage and it began to stink you would remove it too. Nobody needs gross smelly garbage. :) As a Goddess has everything I NEED in My life, but if I allow you to be in My life it's just and added "benefit" and a very fun one at that... (Until it's not. If it gets to that point...)