Just AN OG Blog.
Sometimes it's nice just to write, you know, just write for the sake of writing. This blog has no sense of direction. It's just going to be Goddess putting words onto a screen and seeing where they go. I have been reflecting a lot lately. A lot has changed since last year. I have moved, purchased a few investment properties, lost people who were important in My life, I experienced painful loss, I have healed, and grown. I have new supportive people in My life, and I have removed those who weren't. My loyal sub count has grown, and I couldn't be happier. Through the good and the bad, I am living My best life, truly.
Not every blog has to have a purpose, not every blog has to teach something, some blogs can just be words without direction, and some of these blogs end up being My most authentic. My daily World is still in lockdown, and at times it is frustrating, sometimes I am missing the face to face interaction with My most trusted pets, and with My family and My friends, I miss being able to jump on a plane on a whim, being able to travel wherever I craved at the time. Maybe it was to a vacation spot, to visit family or friends, maybe to a city that one of My subs lived in, regardless of where I would go I would be pampered. Now, there are risks. I take My health and My subs health seriously, so until there is real control over this craziness I will not be taking risks with in person interactions. I also follow guidelines. So yes, I have found creative with online ways to interact with My property, and yes it is still satisfying, but I can't wait for the day that I can tease and torture in person once again.
This last year has been crazy, it has also been a learning experience. This pandemic has shown who truly cares for Me, sub or otherwise. A loyal sub, a caring sub, would never up and vanish during a pandemic. A good sub, well, a good person really, would be checking in with those they care about on a regular basis. This pandemic has been unpredictable. subs who no longer serve Me have been checking in, and that feels nice, maintaining a connection that is still meaningful enough to express concern and care. I cherish those connections. The World is in crazy times, and during those times, people show their true colours, so in a way I am grateful for the craziness that is going on for showing Me who truly cares. Times of chaos can show you many things. It feels wrong saying that I am grateful for some things that the pandemic has caused, but please don't take it the wrong way, I am trying to find a positive here, so I just mean that a lot of things have been brought to light, things that I may not have realized without the pandemic taking place, and I try to find the positives in all situations.
My new environment is a very zen one, I have created the perfect oasis, which I continue to grow it daily. I spoke in one of My last blogs about decorating My new home, it has come a long way. I have a space to mediate which I love so much. This is one of the places where I reflect the most. I practice daily self care from My own home, which is of course sub funded, and My subs couldn't be happier to provide for it. I am in love with My quarantine oasis, that I have created on My own also with the help of My most loyal subs. I have gotten to know My subs more personally during this time, quarantine has caused many to open up, we have grown very close, and it's an amazing feeling, I cherish and appreciate every single one of My subs who have given Goddess the gift of their vulnerability, and of course the gift of their servitude. Like I said earlier, I am the happiest that I have been in a long time. I feel blessed to have found the subs who so seamlessly fit into My life. I am happy to have reconnected with some from My past as well. I truly believe that these subs truly were born to serve Me. And that is an amazing feeling. Those who belong in My life will always be in it, and I truly belive that. My subs always find their way back to Me. It's like a magnetic pull that cannot be ignored.
I feel like this is another lockdown blog, and it's not going to be all about lockdown, but lockdown is the reality of My World right now. So I guess a lot of things will be lockdown related. I have been reflecting a lot because of it, and have found closure to a lot of situations that I probably wouldn't have had closure to without it. Lockdown has given Me time to think, and time to grow mentally and spiritually. I know what is worth My time now, more than ever, I know who is worth My time now than ever. I feel stronger and happier than ever before, which sounds crazy, because the World is in a shit spot. But having a deeper understanding of who I am and what I want is priceless.
Lockdown is interesting, because yes, I have more time to think sure, but I also have more time to play. Which I also enjoy. When I am feeling down, I have My subs are always ready and eager to serve. Like I said in My previous blog, lockdown has caused My relationships with My subs to grow even stronger. Maybe it's because they also have more time available to focus on Goddess, maybe it's because it has also put their lives and what is important in perspective. In lockdown we have time to reflect on the things that truly make us happy. And for many lucky boys, they have realized that the answer to that, is serving Me, their perfect Goddess. Lockdown doesn't have to be lonely, you don't have to feel isolated. There are many ways to feel connected in todays crazy World. Lockdown is what you make of it. And I have chosen to make it amazing. And yes, that may sound wrong, but I choose not to be miserable.
So what have we learned today? Goddess chooses happiness. And happiness is being surrounded by those who truly love and appreciate Me. Goddess no longer has the time for toxic people, or people who only contribute negativity to My life. Goddess chooses to thrive. Goddess chooses to grow. Goddess chooses to be worshipped. And most importantly Goddess chooses to live Her own damn life, and nobody can tell Me how to live My life. I live My life for Me. I will not let anyone judge Me for what makes Me happy. I know My worth and My purpose, if I allow you to be in My life you better prove your worth. I have zero time for those who try to bring Me down or take Me for granted. Lockdown has given Goddess the time to truly reflect and understand Myself at a deeper level. I am still discovering parts of Myself that I didn't know even exisited. If you are still in My life congratulations, clearly you are doing something right... And if you're not, and you're somehow reading this blog from the outside looking in, well you should reconsider your life choices and what got you to this point. It's clear that you're missing out on the best thing that ever happened to you. Anyways, that's enough for tonight, I'm going to go order some take out and relax for the rest of the night on My couch. Living My best life. ;) Until next time...