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Blah, Blah, Blah, I Don’t Care. Shut up. (Basic Blog #31)

Originally Published December 24th, 2021 on is Goddess's new home. This site will not be updated as frequently unless I feel motivated to update it. Go over to My new Website and subscribe for all the latest updates. The new member section will be up soon. I will not be accepting new members on this platform as it is not active, so stop applying here, and contact Goddess via

Let’s be honest, most of you reading this are fucks ups to some degree or another. Maybe you fucked up serving Goddess or some other Domme, regardless, you fucked up. Is it shocking? No of course it isn’t. Because you are a fuck up, LOL. you can’t help screwing up everything you do in life, and chances are if you do it once, you’re going to do it again, and again, and again. And it gets to a point where your fuck ups, just become straight up annoying.

Whenever you fuck up it costs you, at first the penalties may be smaller, maybe even a task to make up for it, and then when you just continue to fuck up, the penalties grow higher, and higher and higher, until you just can’t afford to pay anymore. LOL but who’s fault is that? If you weren’t a fuck up there wouldn’t be huge penalties pay, you should be gracious that Goddess is even allowing you to pay Her still at this point, when all you really are is a thorn in Her side. Goddess is amazing, and serving Goddess can be amazing… If you actually knew how to keep your act together, but no, you let stupid things deter you from your path over and over again, and at the end of the day it just starts to hurt you.

If Goddess gives you time, you should be grateful, you should appreciate every second of it, when you stop appreciating and start taking it for granted, well that’s when you fuck up. Right there. That very moment. And guess what? you’re the one who’s going to pay and miss out on a lot. you pay more, and get less, and less, and less until Goddess just doesn’t care anymore and discards you. Was that your goal? To be reduced to nothing? To lose the only person who truly cared and understood you. But you decided to throw it all away, to the point where even taking money from you became a headache. Should Goddess ever feel a headache from Her subs? NO. Once you reach that point, well you suck, and it’s all your fault.

Are you at the point of no return? Probably. Goddess doesn’t need headaches in Her life. Goddess should live in a state of constant bliss and pleasure, and pleasure isn’t derived from chaotic sub behavior. Why tolerate chaotic behavior from you, when I have good boys that do as I say and aim to please? If our connection was that important to you, you would be treating Goddess with the respect that I deserve. I don’t give a shit about your bad mood and your excuse for treating Goddess with less than I deserve. It’s just unacceptable. Toxicity will not be tolerated in My life. Liars, not tolerated, selfish idiots, not tolerated. I’ll tolerate, and attempt to guide in the beginning, but it will get to the point where I don’t give a shit anymore and you can go be someone else’s headache.

At the end of the day your actions will always speak louder than your words, promises are simply promises until you act on them, same goes with words in general, don’t say words you don’t intend to act on, and if you do say words, act on them, before it’s too late. Overpromising on more than you can deliver on is not hot, and constantly doing this will end up with you being removed from Goddess’s life.

Until Next Time…

Goddess Liv


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