Toxic sub Habits That you Need To Change Today.
A sub never wants to believe that they are toxic. Why would a they intentionally engage in behaviour that could compromise their D/s...

Being Purposeful vs. Purposeless. (How To Be a Good sub.) D/s Relationships. (Basic Blog #16)
Being a sub is more than just a title. Being a true sub requires work. Being in a healthy D/s relationship takes even more work. Being a...

Servitude, Conflict, And Being A Lonely sub.
Servitude is a way of life. It is a commited way of life. Not everyone is ready to commit at the same point in their life, however they...

What It's Like To Belong to Goddess. (Basic Blog #14)
So many subs dream about what it would be like to be called Mine. So I thought it was time to write a blog about exactly what that feels...

Hollidommes, Birthday dommes, instadommes Explained. (Basic Blog #12)
It's the most wonderful time of the year... Or is it? This is the time of year where the "dormant" dommes come out of hibernation and...

Quarantine, Lockdown and How To Continue Growing Your Relationship With Goddess. (Basic Blog #11)
I wrote a blog the other day about how even though there is a quarentine/lockdown/travel ban ect, that My relationships with My subs...

Goddess, A Remote Controlled Toy And A sub On A Zoom Work Call.
Very rarely do I allow you into My World of intimate interactions with My subs but this one was too fun not to share... This whole...

How The Pandemic Has Affected Goddess Life. (Basic Blog #8)
I know. 2020 has sucked so far. The World has been full of destruction, corruption and sickness. The only place to go from here is up....

Being The Ultimate Goddess
I know I'm hot. Like really hot. My hotness literally radiates off of Me. It pulses, sending hot, sexy Goddess vibes out into the...

Adjusting Expectations For your Domme. (Basic Blog #7)
Having realistic expectations for your Domme. Somehow this has become a blog. This blog isn't meant to be "preachy" but to educate as...