Hollidommes, Birthday dommes, instadommes Explained. (Basic Blog #12)

It's the most wonderful time of the year... Or is it? This is the time of year where the "dormant" dommes come out of hibernation and start boasting about their "superiority" and even sometimes offer "discounts" to submissives who will acknowlege their existance. These type of Dommes are super fun right? Here for a good time not for a long time. To put it nicely... hollidommes aren't really dommes, they are hustlers...Or in some cases just super inexperienced. These types of dommes see holidays as an oppourtunity to demand tribute. It's Christmas send me gifts!! Sounds legit. As quickly as they appear on the scene they will disappear until the next holiday comes around. Brace yourself for the incoming wave of hollidommes.
So yeah... Hollidommes are back in full force, I probably should've wrote this blog earlier but I have been busy living My wonderful life and didn't have time to write about these trivial people. But now I have a few minutes and feel like its importantish enough to fit this subject in to My basic blog series, as these dommes are the most basic of all Dommes. I really don't consider them Dommes. Oh look Goddess Liv is being a judgemental bitch again. Deal with it. This is My blog and therefore My opinon. Don't like it leave! :)
Hollidommes also go hand in hand with birthday dommes. Do you ever ask yourself "How many birthday's does this girl have in a year?" If you do, you're not alone. For some reason many think birthday's faux or not are a good oppurtunity to make bank. Let's make something clear, if you pop up into the findom scene and it's your birthday on day one, you look hella sus. Birthday's shouldn't be the only reason a sub tributes you. If a sub is a good sub they should have a reason to tribute you EVERY DAY of the year, not just 1 out of 365. Sure, My subs send a little extra on My birthday or Christmas/Whatever the holiday is... And let's be honest it's usually a lot extra, but that's just because they truly appreciate and worship Me and want to make Me feel EXTRA special on that day. My subs know how amazing I am, I don't need to shove the idea of it down their throats. I also don't feel the need to broadcast its ________ day everywhere in order to validate the reason that I deserve to be tributed on that specific day. If you know, you know. I expect it every day. It's not just the one day a year they send to Me, if it was they wouldn't be My subs.
Okay, I took a few hours off from writing because My head as been killing Me today, let's finish this silly basic blog off. Findom, like actually enjoying the kink, living the lifestyle is more than just embracing the kink on "special occasions." Findom isn't about making money over the holiday season just because. I am a Domme everyday, I can't hide that part of My lifestyle. If you are someone who needs to use a special occasion in order to justify why you deserve to recieve a tribute, well that's just sad. Reconsider what you are doing with your life. A true Goddess deserves to be worshipped every day, and demands such treatment. Holidays shouldn't be your only reason to hoe, hoe, hoe. That was a bad joke, but guess what... I don't even care. Till next time bitches... Cheers to another year of Me, being Me. ;)