Quarantine, Lockdown and How To Continue Growing Your Relationship With Goddess. (Basic Blog #11)

I wrote a blog the other day about how even though there is a quarentine/lockdown/travel ban ect, that My relationships with My subs still continue to grow and have actually gotten even stronger, I decided that this may actual make a good topic for an educational blog. So here we go.
The World is kind of super depressing right now, I know. But there is no reason to let the state of the World ruin your life or your relationships. I have dealt with ups and downs, we all have. But the state of the World has been the way it is for a while now, and it looks like it will continue to be this way, so we need to continue to learn and adjust.
Working from home? Most of us are. Welcome. Working from home is NOT a disadvantage, Goddess sees this as a HUGE advantage. Working from home means no lurking coworkers, more privacy, and more flexibility in your schedule. Working from home means getting away with doing things at your desk that you would NOT be able to get away with doing inside your glass office. Working from home means more accessibility and MORE time to spend with Goddess. Lucky you.
I have found it super fun and exciting to interfere with My subs during their Zoom calls... In the most non-invasive way of course... ;) Working from home My subs have no reason not to have their phones on standby for whatever Goddess wants, or whatever Goddess needs. Working from home means no need to spend on going out for lunch during work... Instead you make a nice at home meal and send what you would've paid for lunch to Goddess instead. I also don't want My subs getting fat or unhealthy during lockdown either, so yes, I even have created work out plans for My subs. Lazy unhealthy subs are not Goddess's style. Some of My most well behaved luckiest subs have joined in on My workouts.
Travel bans suck. Believe Me... There is nothing I would rather be doing than getting on a plane to go somewhere tropical right now. With the virus going on... This isn't practical, nor would I put My health at risk. But just because you are stuck at home and just because Goddess is stuck at home it doesn't mean that you can't help make Goddess's home Her own private paradise. ;) My subs have loaded Me up with scented candles, bath bombs, lotions, creams, massage oils, devices, you name it. My favourite sub purchased Goddess a new outdoor hot tub and cabana for those cooler evenings. Who needs a island get away when you can bring the island to your own home? Good subs can create a paradise and please Goddess even though the circumstances suck... you just need to get more creative. Don't know how to be creative? Ask your Goddess to guide you. ;)
So how can you strengthen your bond with your Goddess? Find things you have in common and enjoy them together! We are all in this mess together. What has Goddess been doing at home other than self-care? Home decor, sub funded of course, Gaming, duh. I love gaming with My subs. It's nice to bond over things that we both enjoy. Plus, My subs fund My gaming addiction. If you ask maybe I will tell you which games I enjoy, and you may even have the chance to join Me. hehe. We also watch tv series together, or suggest them to eachother, read the same books, we send eachother special gifts, because yes, even subs deserve to be rewarded for good behaviour, and Goddess likes to show My subs that they appreciated, especially during dark times like these. Goddess also has a passion for animals, before lockdown I was volunteering constantly at shelters, but since lockdown I haven't been able to do so, (Other than being able to foster in My own home, which is still amazing.) to make up for it My subs have been contributing along with Goddess to make animals lives bettter, because even animals need extra support during times like these. I have put together special care packages for animals in need, as well as much needed cash donations in Myself and yes, even in My subs name. I make My subs donate to their local animal shelters and non-profit foundations. Making animals lives better is one of My biggest passions, and it's amazing when I share it with My subs. Lockdown is the perfect time to get to know eachother better than before, without the distractions of the outside World, you can find new ways to bond with your sub/Domme,even doing normal vanilla things. Strengthing a D/s relationship can be done even in the most "vanilla ways." ;)
Please do not forget that mental health is so, so, so, so important for a successful relationship, and this is on both sides of the relationship. This lockdown has made things even more challenging, you know the saying "you are who you surround yourself with." This is so true. Even if you are physically alone, with the internet and technology you are truly never alone. If you surround yourself with negative people, you will ultimatley become one too. If you surround yourself with people who are always drama, depressed, and negative, well you will become that person too. Be selective, don't get sucked into a negativity vortex, it could ruin your life, and your happiness, and nobody deserves that, nobody. I choose to surround people who uplift Me, and My life is amazing, this should be proof enough. ;) Do lockdown AND life with people who make you a better person, sub, Domme, WHATEVER.
Mental health continued... If at any point during lockdown you start to feel your mental health failing, please, please communicate it to your Goddess, or anybody in your life who cares about you. you are NOT alone. you should NEVER feel alone in a D/s relationship. EVER. As I have said in a million blogs before this, communication is so, so, so, so, so, fucking important. Please communicate. Communication could save your relationship or even your life. you should never feel trapped or forced to be in a situation that makes you unhappy, and you don't have to do things just because someone claims to be a "Goddess." There is always a way out. So talk to someone.
Anyways, I don't want this to become a super long blog. But to sum this up, lockdown is not an obstacle, try to see it as a tool, use it as a tool, one that can strengthen your relationship with Goddess and make it even stronger than it was before. Excuses are just one thing... Excuses. If you want something bad enough you will work for it, no matter how hard the challenges are... Challenges are meant to be overcome, not to break you. At the end of the day, serving Goddess, being Goddess's good boy is exactly where you are supposed to be.