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Is Being A Good boy (sub) Really That Hard? (Or are you just an idiot?)

To start off... If you really have to ask yourself that question then more than likely you are an idiot.

Being a good boy, what exactly does that mean?

As a submissive you long to serve a perfect Goddess. It's your purpose and you know it, that desire to serve is always there. When you're not serving you crave it, you might try to suppress those feelings and urges, but no matter what you do, those feelings will ALWAYS be there. So, knowing these things... Why is it so hard for some of you to be "good boys," when all you crave is to hear those words?

To simplify things.... What is a good boy??

A good boy (sub) is a submissive who knows their place. And that place is at their Goddess's feet. A submissive knows that they will NEVER be their Goddess's equal, and they accept that, they love that. Serving their Goddess brings them bliss, pleasure and joy. A sub will never feel these things in their life if they aren't serving. A sub is never happier than when they are serving their Goddess the RIGHT way. A good sub strives to satisfy their Goddess daily, they know that their personal (physical) pleasure should never be the priority. If Goddess isn't satisfied the sub should definitely not be satisfied. A good sub knows that they will not be rewarded for free. Why would a Goddess give their sub release when they are not satisfied? Who is serving who here? Just because you may "tribute" your Goddess now and then, well it doesn't mean that you are keeping Her happy. A good sub makes Goddess's happiness their PRIORITY. Servitude is much more than tributes. Servitude is a way of life.

What about the subs that can be a good boy "sometimes." Is being a good boy "sometimes" even being a good boy at all? No. Because servitude is NOT selective. If you can turn your "good boy behavior" on an off, are you really a good boy at all? Deciding to be a good boy just because you're horny and want release doesn't make you a good boy. It makes you selfish and self-serving. Orgasms should NOT be the motivation to serve, sure they are a great "incentive" to behave IF your Goddess ever allows you to have one, but they shouldn't ever be the motivating factor. A good boy's pleasure should be derived from that of his Goddess. If Goddess is satisfied, the sub should feel satisfied. Satisfaction shouldn't be thought of as only a physical release. Do you know what else feels really good?? The fuzziness while serving, the rush, Goddess being the only thing you can think of, the mind orgasms. Actual loss of control. Craving and living to solely satisfy Goddess. The mental side of servitude can be just as if not MORE satisfying than a minuscule 5 second physical release. Good boy's DON'T prioritize their physical pleasure over the happiness of their Goddess. 5 seconds for release at the cost of your Goddess's happiness? Is it really worth it??? If you have to ask yourself that question... Well then you're an idiot.

A few more basics:

-Good boys don't take their bad days or moods out on their Goddess, instead they COMMUNICATE and ask for a day/week/whatever to process thoughts and feelings so they don't project the negativity onto their Goddess. Good boys think about how their actions and words can affect their Goddess's day.

-Good boys don't commit to a task and then fail to finish it (or even ghost) just because they "don't feel like doing it anymore," or "something came up." If the task is something that will make your Goddess feel good, and it isn't something that harms or puts you in danger/interferes with something crucial, COMPLETE it. you committed to it initially because you WANTED to do it at the time, just because you suddenly have "urges" or feel selfish is it really worth throwing everything away? Especially when you know you will crave to do it "some other time?" The fact is, if you screw it up the first time there won't be some other time. Plus throwing a way a task ruins the whole point, completing a task is pleasurable for both parties. Good things are earned not given instantly. The build up and anticipation of competition is what makes it so hot. Plus, subs who don't complete tasks are a buzzkill, they upset their Goddess and can even ruin their whole day/week/ect. Domme drop isn't fun, and just because you're in one of your "moods" is it really worth ruining your Goddess's mood? If you say yes, well than you're an idiot and don't deserve to be serving at all. you serve to PLEASE your Goddess NOT upset Her.

-Good boys don't call the shots. This one should be OBVIOUS, but some of you idiots seem to think you can decide when things will or won't happen. If Goddess asks you to do something to make Her feel good and it's something that you would usually beg to do, and you just aren't "horny enough to do it, "DO IT! Why? Because your GODDESS wants to feel good, and if you can't put your Goddess's pleasure first, well you are being selfish. Plus... If you know completing a task for Goddess will make Goddess feel good it should be a motivating factor and make you feel really good too! Turning Goddess on is a turn on. This isn't about how you want things to go. Turning Goddess on should be a turn on for the sub, so what it might not be the way you wanted to "get off" initially, but who comes first? Who calls the shots? Goddess does. Stop being an idiot.

-Good boys don't expect Goddess to play with them just because they're in the mood. Goddess doesn't want to "play" every day. Good boys wait their turn. Goddess doesn't have the same urges that you do. And Goddess doesn't have to play with you just because you think you deserve it. Goddess doesn't fake things just to get tributes or whatever. If you deserve to be played with Goddess will more than likely play with you, because good boys turn Goddess on. If Goddess hasn't been playing with you, it's more than likely for GOOD reason. A sub who has been misbehaving won't get attention. Goddess has other subs, who prioritize Her pleasure, at the end of the day who is Goddess going to play with? The sub who's being selfish or the sub who's putting Goddess first? If you're not being played with, well you're the first one in this scenario. Change your behavior and maybe then you will get attention!

Being a good boy really isn't that hard. At the end of the day it's about what the subs real motivating factors are. If a subs motivation is their orgasm, and what they want are they really even a sub? A true submissive craves to serve, craves to please, they live for it daily. (Not just when they get horny.) The mental side of serving is way more pleasurable than physical release, it makes a sub whole inside, and some subs NEVER want the physical side of release, because the mental enslavement is so MUCH HOTTER. Being controlled by a beautiful, powerful Goddess is incomparable to anything else. That's the true meaning of pleasure. Do you really think "serving" someone who lets you get what you want just because you "tributed" her is really serving at all? No, thats a meaningless transaction, that's not connection, and there is no control. (you can tribute anyone for a "service." Figure it out idiots.) That's 2 dimensional BS. My subs work hard to get rewarded they don't get rewarded for tributes alone. My subs earn their relationship with Goddess and build amazing lifelong connections. Nothing will ever compare to the powerful relationships we have. The pleasure you feel with Goddess will never be found anywhere else. Only idiots are dumb enough to throw that away. Goddess craves a sub who knows the true meaning of servitude, and if you cant show Goddess you know how to do that? It's bye-bye to you. My pleasure will always come first and My good boys KNOW that, and they show it daily, and not just when "they're in the mood." Are idiots a lost cause? Most are, and that's why they're discarded, but there is a very small chance than an idiot can change and truly learn the way to be Goddess's good boy.



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