Committing to your Domme. TPE subs and the"flakes."

So many subs say that they will give their life to their Domme... They insist that they want TPE. But how many subs actually mean it...? I mean REALLY mean it.
So many subs "commit" to this extreme lifestyle without even really knowing what they just committed to. As a Domme who goes all in with her subs, when I find that the sub wasn't 100% truthful about such a commitment the lines get a little blurry.
So many subs will say this is what they want, that this is what they were born for. But often many of them don't truly mean it. Whether they think they do or not... For some it's purely a fantasy, and this is where the real problem lies.
Being a Domme isn't any part a fantasy in My World. It isn't something that I can partially commit to. It's not something that I can just "turn off." So when a sub all of a sudden changes his mindset on what the D/s relationship means to him/her it is the ultimate disrespect.
Often these wavering subs are ones that will come back, they will teeter in between the two Worlds. They will come back begging to be forgiven each time, and insist that You are the only Domme for them. They will tell you how stupid they were for even trying to go out into the world and pretending to be a "real man."

Sound familiar??
These subs are fine for taking in at their "moment" of weakness. But often as that moment of weakness passes the sub will once again begin to regress.
they will thank You, and tell you how wrong they were, they will promise to report back tomorrow, they will promise the world to you but as you have already probably guessed.... Tomorrow never comes, unless tomorrow means, weeks or even months down the line where the sub just can't get you off his mind and comes crawling back like some pathetic idiot.
Then you begin to question, is the sub coming back for You?? Or is he/she coming back to indulge and fulfill their own selfish fetishes?
(If you go back and read My Blog on sub Misconceptions you will be able to read on My musings on the differences betweens subs and fetishists. So I will not waste time on getting back into the specifics again on here. )
This is where the line begins to gets fuzzy, once a sub crosses Me, that trust is broken. Trust is earned, not bought. So yes, a sub will always crawl back, and yes I will take advantage of that weak sub and say I believe their promises at the time, but at the end of the day, I know that this sub is not to be trusted and that he/she will likely go back to their "hiatus" until they feel weak again. I don't care if it's vanilla guilt, their fish is judging them or whatever. (Mind you this is putting mental health and safety of the sub aside. RACK is always in play with Me.)
In My mind this isn't "taking advantage." This is Fair Game. Why??? Because this sub committed their life to Me. Promised Me that they belong to Me and only Me, that they live, work, and breathe for Me. And somehow this sub manages to vanish, for days, weeks even months at a time without even saying hello or explaining their disappearance.
(And the lines of communication are always open between Myself and a committed sub. I expect daily and nightly checkins at a minimum. I also expect subs to communicate any issues, or fears. Flaking or ghosting SHOULD NEVER be an issue when the lines of communication are open. It's one of the main foundations of trust and respect.)
Now yes, I could completely dismiss a sub who flakes on multiple occasions, and their have been cases where I have, however any sub who engages in TPE, and makes such a deep promise to Me, is considered My property until I am done with him/her. This is always on My terms, not theirs. Natural order.
So when a sub goes on and on about their doubts and other bullshit, every time they return, yes I'll listen, but at the end of the day I know that this sub knows their true place but theres something idiotic inside of them that keeps them from not straying.
It's a vicious cycle really, and I can read that cycle like the palm of My hand.
If you think you can play and fool Me with a disappearing act game... Guess what? I can play an even better game. I will always 1up you. That's that's just the way things are. I'm smart, and you're so very stupid when it comes to these "games."
Tick tock, soon you will be back you dumb idiot. you long to be called a good boy. you long for Me to abuse you and your wallet. you crave the pleasure you get from each time we interact. I am irreplaceable.
So if you come to Me and tell Me that you want to be completely owned...
That you want TPE and you want to give your life to Me. you will.
Plain and simple.
Games and bullshit aside. Any sub that I agree to take on has built a trust with Me, they have built something special as I do not just take any sub in. They have gone through a specific process which they have passed. That sub will remain My sub until I decide otherwise. I take commitment extremely seriously, even if its confused sometimes in the simple sub mind. Once you break My trust?
Don't expect to gain it back without a lot of work. And if you don't... Well you know exactly where you stand in this situation.
In the Kink World, there are serious subs, and there are flakes. Generally their are more flakes than serious subs. Just like in the real world the stupid outnumber the smart. But when I get a good TPE slave, they have My trust, are well cared for, and the lines of communication are ALWAYS open. So there is never an excuse for flaking.
They say You can't polish a turd, but why not try, maybe one day that turd will surprise You... If not, You still polished any viable value out of that turd.
So what are "flakes" exactly? Are they a breed of sub? Are they just idiots? Regardless of their "classification" a good Domme has a way of utilizing all of Her slaves to their maximum potential. ;)