When Goddess's Tolerance Runs Out. Failing as a sub. (Basic Blog #23.)

Goddess can be very tolerant when training subs, but it comes to a point where that tolerance wears out. There are always bumps in the road where it comes to sub training. There is a period of trial and error, learning expectations, as well as learning boundaries and even how not to cross them. Once boundaries are set, they should never be crossed. This goes both ways. A sub trusts their Domme not to cross boundaries that they set, so what happens when the sub constantly disrespects the boundaries set by their Goddess? Continue reading this blog to find out...
With new subs, let Me rephrase that, with under consideration new subs that enter Goddess's life I am more lenient, as there is still a learning curve. Goddess has high expectations and it can take some time until new subs can reach them. It also takes time for the sub to learn what Goddess finds acceptable and unacceptable. The first time that a sub does something unacceptable they are corrected. The second time there is punishment, and after this point they generally learn their lesson. Why would a (good) sub want to keep doing something that upsets their Goddess? they don't. A good sub lives to please their Goddess, they know their place, upsetting their Goddess should upset them. If a sub get's pleasure from upsetting Goddess, they have no place in Goddess's life. (That's not a real sub, that's a selfish being.) So new subs better learn fast, or they will no longer be in Goddess's life. It's easy to discard a sub that you have no Personal connection to.
Now, this is where things get tricky... When it comes to subs who have served Goddess long term, well these subs should be up to date on what is and isn't acceptable while interacting with their Goddess. Just like Goddess, subs sometimes have bad days, and Goddess understands that. Sometimes subs may even be stupid enough to take their bad day out on their Goddess without explanation, when they do, it's highly upsetting. Being in Goddess's life is a privilege, a privilege that can easily be revoked. This is sometimes complicated, especially when a sub has served long term and has a special connection that they have built with Goddess. It is hard to instantly sever a strong connection and remove someone who's been a part of your life for years, someone who's built and experienced a strong and amazing connection with you. (Much like any long term vanilla relationship, you become emotionally attached.) Not every D/s will have the same strength and intensity of connection. When that happens it's special and its something harder to replace. However, the strength doesn't mean that the relationship is indestructible. When a connection is strong, emotions are strong as well. So when a sub begins to act out of character, and do things that they know that their Goddess doesn't like, it's upsetting even hurtful. As a Domme you try to correct it, and usually it's corrected. However, when the behavior becomes reoccurring it can become exhausting and emotionally draining. The relationship becomes extremely toxic. A sub who has been under Goddess for an extended period of time is no stranger to My expectations, so when they constantly start acting out repeatedly with no regard for Goddess's feelings (for whatever reason, I don't care there is no valid excuse for this type of behavior), it becomes a huge problem. It also becomes obvious that they have no regard for how their actions affect Goddess's mood. These kinds of actions cause Goddess to lose desire to communicate or continue the realtionship. Some subs are stupid and seem to forget that Goddess has eager new subs approaching constantly, subs who will be respectful and be grateful for the chance to be at My feet. Yes, training a new sub can be exhausting, but I would rather be exhausted from building something new and promising rather than deal with disrespectful behavior from someone who said that they "cared" and lived to serve Me.
Tolerance is a beautiful thing, until that tolerance wears out. Even the strongest bond can be broken, and some of those bonds once severed, will never be able to be mended. Goddess's expectations are reasonable and achievable for My subs. Those expectations vary by sub, as every sub has different kinks, boundaries, limits, means and capabilities. When it comes to My subs I am understanding about each and every one of their personal limits, boundaries and needs. Goddess believes in mutual respect. Yes, I said respect. I respect My subs. I know twitter and all these other bullshit mainstream diluted feeds tell you to treat subs like shit, to destroy them and bankrupt them. But sweetie you're wrong. Do you really think that's sustainable? Treating someone like shit 24/7? Sure for a hit and run, why not, it's roleplay and it's fucking fake and meaningless. Do you really think that sub is going to go "broke" for you? (Also never take advantage of someone incompetent or someone struggling with mental health issues, that's tacky, gross, not truly consensual and completley Non-Domme like.) At the end of the day this random ass sub doesn't respect or care about you, he cares about his own dick and getting off, then its buh-bye to you. How sad and empty and non-kinky, for both of you. lol If you want something longterm, meaningful and sustainable it has to be more than "roleplay," it has to be REAL. There has to be a frienship. I've said this 100000000000000x, a D/s relationship isn't that much different than a vanilla relationship, there needs to be a solid foundation. What's the foundation of almost every thriving relationship? TRUST, RESPECT, COMMUNICATION, RESPECTING BOUNDARIES, PROBLEM SOLVING, COMMON INTERESTS, CHEMISTRY, and yes, even FRIENDSHIP. Sorry instadommes, but real subs don't just want to be treated like shit. subs are people with needs, basic, emotional and otherwise. Read a book and educate yourself. Thanks. anyways, moving on, back to the respect thing. Goddess expects to always be treated with respect, I consider respect, respecting My boundaries, and My needs. Once a sub stops doing these things the relationship is headed for rough waters. Respect goes both ways, you know mutual respect, if you stop showing Goddess respect, Goddess will no longer show respect to you. And don't be shocked when I do. you are the creator of your own undoing. And yes, after that's over with, you will be cut off and out of My life forever.
I am amazing, I know this. I am smart, sexy, educated, talented, cruel, kinky and funny and a million things more. I am sooooo many amazing things, any sub who causes Goddess to lose Her tolerance is a real idiot. Completely. Goddess is very understanding, and yes, I can even be compassionate. If you had a bad day and need to take time to cool off, do it. Just communicate it first. A sub doesn't appreciate a Goddess who vanishes either. Again mutual respect. Shocking I know. Never take your bad day out on Goddess, that's bullshit. If Goddess were to start taking Her frustrations out on you out of nowhere, that had nothing to do with you as a sub you would consider it abusive. Look in the mirror and see yourself for who you really are, an abuser. Sure you aren't beating Goddess, not physically, but mentally it's abusive and extremley draining. No Goddess, wants a Jekyll and Hyde sub. No Goddess wants to deal with your emotionally abusive bullshit, then you play victim and then act like it never happened when all of a sudden you're feeling subby the next day. (Nothing more irritating than a sub that thinks they can be normal, act like a moron and then come back with their tail between their legs. Accept yourself for who you are already, it gets old fast. Being a sub is in your DNA. It's who you are. Blahhh blah blah, you get it by now, it's about time that you listen and finally accept it.) I mean Goddess could act like nothing happened if I wanted to just use you for you wallet, but that's not how Goddess is wired. Goddess cares about way more than the Financial Domination part of the relationship, taking without a connection just doesn't feel good. Goddess can get money from anywhere, like constantly, I have no desire to take money from some wishy washy selfish asshole I no longer like or care for, it's meaningless to Me, it's not hot, it feels like work and I don't work for subs. That's just facts. So you can go pay some thirsty "domme" to pretend to care about you, and let them use you and destroy you for all I care. I won't be there to clean up the wreckage when you come crawling back crying. you made your bed now you can lie in it... Maybe it's a grave even. lol. idiots, deserve idiots. :) Conflict is also no reason to mistreat your Domme, I've said this a million times, Dommes are not punching bags, I have been over this before. Throwing money at the problem is only a bandaid if you are going to pull the same shit over and over again. Eventually the bandaid will no longer stick... Think of the bandaid worn out adhesive as a metaphor for Goddess's tolerance that has ran out due to overuse. The apology only really matters, and is hot, means something to you, hurts, if its genuine... And of course, if it doesn't happen again and again and again. See what I'm getting at here? Tolerance, it runs out, even with the strongest of connections.
Goddess also doesn't tolerate subs who overpromise on what they can deliver. Giving a sub tasks is fun, watching them strive and even struggle to complete them is so hot. There is no bigger turn off or disappointment than a sub who commits and overpromises on a task, or what they can give constantly and then don't follow through or complete it. A sub who lies about completing or following a task is also gross and disgusting. Why would an idiot sub accept a task that they do not intend to complete? Especially knowing that the pleasure that their Goddess will receive from it upon completion? Read the last two sentences over again... Doesn't it sound like really wrong? Disgraceful? Unacceptable even. Totally. Because it is. Not completing something you promised to do that's completely within your limits and capabilities is disgusting and a huge disappointment a buzzkill to your Domme. It's also a complete breach of trust. Also Goddess starts to lose interest fast. Does that sound like something a good sub would do? Does that sound like something a Goddess should forgive you for over and over? Once, maybe twice, if you're lucky... Anymore than that any you're playing with fire. I'm sure subs wouldn't like if Goddess breaches their trust or breaks boundaries. No that would BE A HUGE PROBLEM, wouldn't it? So why is it so hard for you as a sub to stay within the ones set by your Goddess, when you are capable of mainting them, no matter how small it may be? A good sub never overpromises on what they can deliver and that's just that. A good sub never intentionally disrespects their Goddess for whatever reason, knowing that it's upsettting to Goddess, whether they understand fully or not. Those boundaries were set for a reason. Now I want to keep this blog "basic" so a a few other things that I just won't tolerate are... Disloyalty (This one is for a whole other juicy blog stay tuned. :)), flakiness, ghosting and reappearing thinking that there will be no repercussions, disrespecting Goddess's time, disregarding Goddess's feelings, a sub getting what they want (ie release) and then acting like an asshole or whatever, I could go on forever ect. ect. Goddess just doesn't need any of that drama in My life. If I'm no longer having fun consider the relationship done.
This blog is getting super long so let's wrap this up.... I am a Domme, I get a lot of pleasure from playing with and using My subs, I also get pleasure from the bond, trust and friendship we have built. Not just anyone can understand the kinky World we live in. The connection that a Domme and sub share is unique and can't be found anywhere elese. There is nothing hotter than a genuine sub who serves Goddess with purpose, a respectful sub, a good sub, a sub who means it with every fibre of their being. When a sub becomes less genuine, or when their true colors really show, the relationship becomes very unappealing. At the end of the day, Goddess has to do what's best for Goddess, and when My tolerance ends, it's because the bullshit has gone too far, it's over. When any relationship ends, it's sad. There's a hole that may never be filled, if it is filled, its by someone more amazing, someone who truly knows their purpose. Severing the cord on any relationship sucks, especially when it meant something. Yes, Dommes have feelings, don't let twitter fool you. Dommes can be sad about cutting a sub off, Dommes can be hurt, Dommes can need time to heal from a toxic relationship. A Domme can miss a sub even if the relationship was no longer healthy, history means something. With time all things get better, old wounds begin to heal and sometimes those wounds leave scars. With time better things come along, and with time hopefully people realize, grow and learn from their past mistakes. Nobody is perfect. Although, Goddess is really close. ;) A good sub, a reformed sub, whatever kind of sub, knows how to admit to their mistakes, take accountability for their actions, correct the behavior apologize and truly mean it. (Which means not repeating the same idiot behavior over and over again.) you know... A bandaid free apology. At the end of the day Goddess knows Her worth. And My worth is priceless. If you ever had the chance to shine under My amazing light and fucked it up, I feel bad for you, or do I? I'm still over here thriving, living My luxurious life, being worshipped by My good boys and worthy subs. Living My life to the absolute fullest. I love My kinky life, I wouldn't change anything, it's the life I was born to live. It's the life that makes Me feel whole inside... While you're in the dark without Goddess. And since Goddess knows the life I was born to live, well that's the reason for My tolerance, and resulting lack there of. I deserve the best, I know not all subs are good subs to start, but when time and effort is taken even the roughest sub can be polished in a very good sub.... Godess's good boy... And sometimes they just aren't. Enjoy your empty, meaningless life without Me. Or if you're one of My good boys enjoy your amazing, purposeful happy life with Goddess. :)
Until next time....
Goddess Liv