To Take... Or Not To Take... That is The Question. (Basic Blog #13)
LOL. Some of you think that just because you offer, that a Goddess should be jumping on whatever it is that you have to offer. Well let...

Goddess, A Remote Controlled Toy And A sub On A Zoom Work Call.
Very rarely do I allow you into My World of intimate interactions with My subs but this one was too fun not to share... This whole...

How The Pandemic Has Affected Goddess Life. (Basic Blog #8)
I know. 2020 has sucked so far. The World has been full of destruction, corruption and sickness. The only place to go from here is up....

Adjusting Expectations For your Domme. (Basic Blog #7)
Having realistic expectations for your Domme. Somehow this has become a blog. This blog isn't meant to be "preachy" but to educate as...

Not your Goddess.
Yes, you read the title correctly, I am NOT your Goddess. Serving Goddess is a privilege, being Goddess's property is a privilege. So no,...

Fake Dommes vs Real Dommes. (Basic Blog #6)
Real Domme vs. Fake Dommes. It's all over the internet as of late. There is a clear over saturation of Dommes online now for sure, so how...

Getting What I Want In a D/s Relationship.
If you've been here before you know My mindset, and if you don't, welcome to My World. I Am Queen Liv, I also go by Goddess Liv. I live a...

D/s Relationships: What Type Is Right For you? (Basic Blog #5)
So in My past blogs I have mentioned D/s relationships and how I prefer long term meaningful ones, specifically 24/7 where I take...

subs: Correcting your Actions/Mindset HERE Can Stop Servitude From Going Wrong.
Another day, another blog. How lucky for you to be graced once more with My amazing words and presence online. Today is going to be a...

Initiating Contact.
This is something that SHOULDN'T have to be said, but since many of you seem to be confused I figured I would lay out the basics and...