you Must Pay $___ To Speak With Goddess. (Basic Blog #25)

Welcome to another one of Goddess's basic blogs. Today I am going to talking about "Initial Tribute." But not just any kind of initial tribute, the type you see all over Twitter in almost every self proclaimed "findommes" bio. Must tribute $10 or whatever before messaging. So, I now ask this question... Is a required tribute, even a tribute? Or is it a transactional requirement? It's almost as if you need to "buy" something to speak to them. Someone who's pictures you've seen all over the internet, and still you don't even know if you have a connection or anything in common with them? Seems kinda obvious what the purpose of an "initial tribute" is... Doesn't it?
So, I'm sure that the question of the hour is, does Goddess charge an "initial tribute" for conversation? Yes, $3000. Kidding. I don't charge an intial tribute. Why? Because I believe that a tribute is a gesture to show appreciation. I don't feel like paying a $30 tribute before sending Me a message or whatever you want to call it, shows that you appreciate Me. So what does Goddess expect? Well if you bravely choose as a sub to approach Me, I expect you to approach respectfully. Show Goddess in your initial message that you are interested in serving Me, that you know your place and why you think you would be a good fit. I have no problem conversing with potential subs, as long as the chat doesn't get too kink heavy. I am not chatting with you just for you to get off for nothing. Gross. That would mean that you put your wants before Goddess, and that just isn't acceptable... Plus a respectable sub would never do such a thing right?
Do subs that I have never spoken to send Me tributes? Yes, all the time. Many subs I've never spoken to appreciate My blogs and My views on Femdom and Female supremacy. I have no reason to demand "tributes" from subs that I probably have little to no interest in. Goddess has a strong online presence, years worth of content. subs often feel like they know Me before ever speaking a single word to Me. Goddess isn't new to the scene, I'm not some random 18 year old girl from (insert city here) with little to no content stating that she is a domme who wants to own you, deserves everything, and is demanding to be "tributed" before contacting her. Nope. Never. This Goddess is established, and subs recognize My worth and how lucky they would be to have even a second of My time. I recieve tributes because I deserve them, and because subs truly appreciate Me, NOT because I demand things from them prior to them ever speaking with Me.
If you're that dense AND still don't understand why I don't charge and initial contact fee, here's another reason. There are many Dommes out there, and i believe that there is a right Domme for every sub. Just because I might be the perfect Domme for one sub, doesn't mean I am right for another. A sub should be able to explore their options before deciding who will be there Domme. The same way that Goddess chats with multiple respectful subs and then decides who is the right fit for Me and My life. I might seem like the perfect Domme for a sub on paper, but it doesn't mean that the chemistry will be there after we interact. Think about it this way, if a sub is out there exploring and every Domme out there expects a $30 dollar "tribute " just to talk to them, well for one that get really expensive for a sub. (Aren't Dommes supposed to not "need" anything from subs." ;) ) And maybe once the sub finds the right Domme they have barely anything left in their bank account. lol. So from a financially responsible perspective, I want My subs to have money in their bank accounts for Me to take. Selfish? Maybe but it's true! I believe, scratch that, I KNOW, if the initial conversation that I have with a prospective sub goes well, the sub will tribute to show appreciation for the conversation and My time. Imagine that. (And honestly, I don't think I would want a sub who's dumb enough to "tribute" any random "domme" who demands it. Stupid subs don't interest Me.)
Another issue Goddess has with the "tribute" before contacting rule is that a lot dommes aren't actually Dommes. Most of them are girls hiding behind a paywall looking to make easy money, and they don't even have a dominant bone in their entire body. (Thanks a lot, mainstream media..) Once the sub has paid ("tributed." lmao) to talk to randomdomme12435 or whoever, well it's too late. Scripted Domme/fantasy behaviour can only take you so far. Not to mention that most of these girls are only in it for the initial tribute, and will still not respond/acknowledge the sub even after they send the "required tribute." Stupid is as stupid does. Not saying all Dommes who ask for payment before contact are fake. But how could one know without prior conversation? you don't.
Anyways I want to keep this blog basic, so what have we learned today? Well we learned that, tributes required before contact aren't actually tributes, they're essentially a paywall, therefore purely transactional. (If you're even lucky enough to get something from sending. ;)) A true Domme should have no problem conversing with a prospective sub prior to them sending "tribute" as long as there are boundaries in place. A Domme knows Her worth, and will create the boundaries that are suited to Her wants.
I really have nothing more to say about this matter.
Until next time...
Goddess Liv