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Boredom... A Goddess's Musings.

As I am stuck here on lockdown, I often have free time to ponder I many things. My mind often wanders, as it wanders I discover and think about where I am, and where I want to be, about new things that I want to experiment with, and even about past experiences that have brought Me to the place I am today. It is crazy to think that I entered this crazy World of kink almost 9 years ago. I was young, and naive... However, I still knew deep down that this was the right path for Me to walk down in life. I recently celebrated 8 years with My oldest and most loyal sub. We have grown so much together, and the time has flown by. This path has brought Me many wonderful things, and also not so wonderful things. I have had days of extreme joy, and days of extreme sadness. Life is full of ups and downs, but this Goddess wouldn't change anything for the World. This blog post doesn't have any real direction... Not every blog has to have a serious tone... This is just a personal post... A post where I will write about whatever pops into My beautiful mind. And if you're lucky maybe you will learn a thing or two about Me. ;)

The pandemic and My D/s relationships haven't been impacted other than the obvious lack of any real time interaction with My closest friends. My travel has well... Been non-existent and well that sucks. There is nothing this Goddess would love to do more than hop on a plane and be somewhere warm and sunny with My sub serving on Me on hand and foot... Literally. The online interactions with My subs have been much stronger, with many working from home... My access to them has become much more "fulltime" and I couldn't be any happier about that. Toying and tormenting with My subs during their work day is very hot. Working from home now has a double meaning... Working for your boss... And well for your Goddess... At the same time. So very hot. So yes... In someways the pandemic and lockdown has sucked... But in otherways it has intensified the realtionship with My subs and brought us even closer to together...

My website is still under a huge overhaul, right now it's all behind the scenes and will be published at a later date. I'm excited for the update but I will work on it at a pace that won't mentally drain Me... I'm also confused at the amount of women requesting to become members on My site as of late. The member section is exclusive for submissive subcribers and not those who are being nosey... So no offense. :) If you are a female submissive who wants to serve, please reach out, but My section is closed to anyone who is not actively serving Goddess.

As I have time to reflect I have realized many things... Cutting people out of your life who are toxic is an absolute necessity. Keeping those around who make you happy? Also a necessity. Cutting the cord completley on those who weren't benefitting My life, has made Me stronger than ever before. Mentally and physcially I am thriving. Those who are in My life, WANT to be in My life, they aren't forced. This is a very important thing to remember. Misery is not hot for either party. Can people change? Sure... But you need to make sure that they are changing for the right reasons, and that these changes aren't just temporary. During this lockdown, I have reconnected with many from My past, some briefly, and others have stayed. Lockdown has been an amazing period of personal growth for Myself, and it is evident that it has also been a period of growth for many of My ex-subs. Reconnecting has been amazing in some cases, and with others i has also been a reminder of why I no longer continue a relationship with some.

Reflection, is oh so important. So is closure. Can you always get closure in life? No... But I have recieved a lot of that over the last few months. Closure is nice, it means you can finally move on. Close the door. Poof. Done. Moving on. Sometimes you need to create your own closure. As a Goddess I always try to give subs, current or ex the closure they need... Unless they completley screw Me over. :)

Self-Care... Oh have I indugled in self-care during lockdown. Sephora has been My best friend. I have created so many at home spa exeriences, as currently I am not able to go to a real one. Practicing Self-Care on Myself, rather than with the hands of of a masseuse or esthetician has been interesting, I obviously prefer to have someone elses hands doing the pampering but I am adjusting. Masks, waxes, oils, creams, massagers, oh I have tried them all. I may have bought most of the store by now... Whoops. But whatever I want, I get.

I have been indulging a lot during this shit storm. I have been making My home, My very own Personal paradise, My subs have been very busy. Cooking has become a task, so uber eats has become My new personal chef. hehe. Speaking of... I should order right now. I have also indugled in creating My own home personal gym, if you're lucky maybe I will share pictures. I will not neglect My perfect body during this pandemic, so yes I indulge but I am still very disciplined. The World now is challenging, sure, but I still manage to bring the World to Myself during these trying times. I know have My own at home spa and Personal gym... I have another project I am working on... My newly purchased home I told you all about a while back. This project will be ever so costly, but oh so worth it.

So has My life been impacted negativley from this pandemic? I mean everyones has, but I choose not to let it destroy My life. I have continued to build Myself higher. I find a way to keep things that have made Me happy in the past, happy today, in this new creative way. And My subs have been more than helpful. So if you're wondering why I haven't been blogging as much this is why... Even though I am in "lockdown" I still plenty to do. And happily. I haven't been super inspired to blog, and that's okay. Especially when I'm taking time to better Myself and My life. There has been a lot of traffic on My site even though I have been barely posting as of late... So here's a post... Two in a day! Lucky you. If you're brave, feel free to reach out, I may just answer you back.

I'm starting to forget why I started writing, but I'm getting bored and My dinner delivery is almost here... And post-dinner I have a little playdate with someone special. So I will leave you all here... with My musings. If you don't like them, I really don't care. Unsolicited opinions don't phase Me, the only ones I care about are My own. Happy reading, perhaps one day all the reading will progress to something more. ;) Until then... Here is a small glimpse into Goddess's life and mind.


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