The Key To A finsubs Mind. (Basic Blog #9)

Goddess is powerful. Goddess knows all. My property is always My property until I discard it. There are times when I grow bored of My property and tend to leave it in the attic collecting dust... But when the urge to play comes along again, Goddess is able to revive it. It doesn't matter if said property doesn't think they are of use anymore... When Goddess wants something... I get it.
finsubs are merely toys. toys that exist to entertain Me. If I'm not entertained a toy will not be played with, with it's really that simple. toys crave to be used by a Goddess, when a Goddess really knows how to use a toy it becomes addictive... Extremely addictive. Some subs think they can chase the high they feel with Goddess elsewhere... As they try and try, it becomes more and more evident that it just isn't possible. Only with Goddess will sending ever feel this good... Or feel this right. Goddess knows the way into the weakest parts of your mind. Goddess knows what you crave, and you know what Goddess craves. This is what makes the combination so perfect. Give Goddess what She wants. Feel the best you've ever felt. Sure you can try for cheap knockoffs. Sure you can try those who give you what you think you want... But at the end of the day Goddess knows best. Easy isn't satisfying. Transactions aren't satisfying. What you want is something that feels real. Real is being with Goddess, serving Goddess, being Goddess's good boy.
Greed is hot when it comes to a Goddess, obviously. But greed isn't hot when it comes to taking from those who do not belong to you. To be honest though, if My property thinks they want to serve someone else they can fuck right off. :) I have no need for toxicity in My life and being the the position that I am in, I have had many who want what is Mine. What's truly Mine can never be taken however, so really at the end of the day anything that dissolves is better off out of My life. The who finsubs belong in My life, are those who are truly worthy. It's about intensity... An electric buzz, you know more than just money. I know that sending gets you off... But getting off isn't everything. What happens after you get off? Can you still be enticed once that sexual urge has been fulfilled? If the answer is no, then it's the wrong Domme. Goddess holds the key, the master key to your mind. Nobody else has access quite like I do, you can try and find a replacement... But nobody will ever come close to Goddess... And that's why you always come back, tail between your legs, begging for forgiveness and will do anything for another chance to be Mine.
Sending is hot, but it's even hotter when it's with the right Goddess, your Goddess. When you send to your Goddess the buzz is intense and it continues to last and lingers, the buzz turns into a craving, and you want to send more, and then it's an even bigger buzz, and it get's more and more intense... Enough about that though... This is about the key... The key that makes serving constantly feel amazing. And yes... This is possible with the right Goddess. My finsubs are My own personal ATMS... And Goddess will always know the pin to get inside of their weak minds. When I want something I get it. Once Mine... Always Mine. you may think you're out of My grasp... But you will never be. Anyways... That's enough blogging for today, time to go push some buttons.