Breaking Down The sub-Cycle. (Basic Blog #20)
Originally published March 1st @

The sub-cycle, the cycle that explains why all subs do the dumb things that they do. subs are very predictable. So Goddess created this cycle to explain why subs dothe dumb the things that they do. This Basic Blog will break down all things sub cycle. Let’s keep things “basic” and get started.
It all starts with conflict. Conflict is where things tend to go wrong. A sub doesn’t know how to deal with said conflict and starts to act out. This chart is general as all subs face different kinds of conflict, so I will keep it as general as possible.
Saying “no”/Ghosting
This is the first stop on the cycle. A sub will start acting out, out of nowhere, the sub will say “no” to the things that they usually would be eager to do. The sub may also start to ghost completely or reply sporadicly.
2. Resistance/ Desire to be normal.
Here is where the sub starts to feel conflicted about being a sub. The sub desires to be “normal” and decides to not like or do the things that they like anymore. subs often think that they can quit being subs and become “real men” here. (We all know how this is impossible, but still they try.)
3. Toxic Behavior
Here the sub will begin to act out on their Domme. The sub will start being rude, start doing things intentionally that they know will hurt their Domme. This is essentially where the sub self destructs and does as many things as they can to push their Domme away and destroy their relationship. This often results in the sub ghosting or the Domme completely cutting off communication with the sub.
4. Acceptance
Acceptance has no timeline, this can be a day… Weeks, or even years down the line. Regardless of the timeline acceptance always happens. The sub realizes that they are indeed a sub. (Shocking, I know.) The sub feels remorse about their behavior and want to make things right. And from this point try to re-approach the Domme they felt the most connected to.
5. The Apology
Here the sub re-approaches the Domme that they were connected to. The sub expresses feeling of remorse, admit how they were wrong, and beg for their place back in their Goddess’s life. If the Goddess accepts, they promise to be a good boy and “never act that way again.”
6. Good boy behavior.
Here the sub makes up for all their wrong doings. The sub may tribute their Domme, they will be respectful and eager to please, they will complete all of their assigned tasks and are back on their best sub behavior. This behavior may last a few days, a few weeks, to months and maybe even years.
7. Wash, rinse and repeat.
Back to the beginning of the sub cycle.
Yes, this is the sub cycle, almost all subs follow this cycle to the tee. subs really are that predictable. Is the sub cycle breakable? Definitely…. See My previous blog, The sub-Cycle. Conflict subs face while serving. (Basic Blog#19) Breaking the cycle is dependent on the sub finally taking ACTUAL accountability for their actions, and also actual acceptance of who they are. The sub cycle sucks, and it’s pretty bad that Dommes have this cycle mapped out. But hey, that’s the submissive’s brain for you. If you are a sub, be better. Be an actual sub, not selfish self-serving dickhead.
Until next time…
Goddess Liv