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The Findom "Law of Attraction." ("Basic" Blog #1)

(I write a lot of "intense" blog topics this new series of blogs is simpler, fun, and a much lighter read.) I'm sure you've all heard about the "Law of Attraction" by now, if you haven't, where have you been living the past 10 years +? I Queen Olivia, Domme, FinDomme, Lifestyle Domme, Kinky Bitch, blah, blah ect, truly believe in the "Law of Attraction." I'm not saying the law of attraction is magic or anything... But it kind of is, and at the end of the day it's all about the power of your mental mindset and what you put out into the universe.

Let's start with basics. Didn't your Mother ever tell you that you will attract more bees with honey than vinegar? Or is it flies... Whatever, you get My point. Being a negative mfer sucks, and by being a negative mfer you won't get far in life. If you come into the findom world, (Domme or sub) with a negative outlook you're probably going to come out with well... A negative experience. If you think you won't find a "perfect" Domme and worry about the "negatives" constantly you more than likely won't find your "Dream Domme" because you set your expectations too low to begin with. And if you're a Domme same shit, you think you won't find a good sub, and are convinced you won't make money, and if you even choose to complain about the mythical timewasters constantly instead of securing that bag... Well you probably won't be successful either.


I know My worth. I am a GODDESS. I go into every day knowing that I will come out on top. I don't enter the day worried about some BS that isn't going to make Me happy. I don't worry about what other people think about what I post, I do Me. I put out what I want to receive. Good boys who know My worth. Good boys who will spoil Goddess with all that I deserve and more. And I'm all for meeting supportive kick ass ladies, but I don't need them to survive. (This isn't highschool and this isn't a popularity contest. I'm grown.) I don't ever go into a day thinking that it will suck, or that My "time will be wasted." I have better things to do with My day like securing that bag!!!

subs, I don't care if you've been "hurt" or "screwed over before," I'm not her and I don't need to deal with your baggage from her either. If you don't treat Me like the amazing Goddess that I am, you will be gone from My life as fast as you came in. Ding ding ding!!! you mean cutting out the bullshit fast saves you time to focus on the worthy subs and spares you the irritation??? YEP.

subs going into a new D/s, thinking you're going to get screwed over and putting out those "i'm going to get fucked over" vibes won't help you either. Predators like to prey on the weak. (Applies to subs and Dommes tbh...) Change your outlook and realize that even you, are worthy of an AMAZING Domme and that by holding back you are not only causing your self to hold back on happiness but you aren't adding to wonderful Dommes life at the same time as well. Why spend time on negative things!? Fear is the one thing that can hold you back from obtaining true happiness, let go of it before it's too late.

Yes, there are shitty people and shitty things in the World. But are those shitty things a reason to hold back from letting go and achieving pure happiness? The wrong mindset can bring a whole lot of shittiness into your life.


You are who you surround yourself with, if you flood your timeline with negative people, you're going to invite that energy into your life as well. If you follow any one and everyone, you're just inviting a mess into your life as well. Pure chaos. Find "your people," be selective, find people who you can resonate with. Find people you strive to be like, or strive to/worship. And most important of all... Don't waste your energy on those who don't deserve it.

If you're a domme who constantly responds to bait tweets and complains, that's probably all you're going to attract, and that's not just the "law of attraction" it's also the fact that people have actual eyes and brains and see the low hanging fruit that you are going for.

Low hanging fruit... Attract low hanging fruit.

If you're a sub who begs to serve "every Domme" that you see, you're asking to be used, and not taken seriously. Nobody finds a timeline spammer appealing... Well nobody serious at least. If you're a terrible sub, you will attract terrible Dommes and end up shutting out the One Domme who is truly right for you, and that's just sad.

I could honestly blab on and on about this, the concept is very simple... Put out the vibes and energy that you want to receive, surround yourself with people you aspire to be like/relate too/help you grow, negativity breeds negativity not MONEY, or an organic D/s relationship, so if your goal is that, cut the crap. And if you're a sub who wants to truly serve a

Goddess, have some standards, even subs are allowed to have those.

This may have been one of My most "basic" blogs ever but it's the truth, soooo take what you will from it. Delicious word vomit...Mmm.

The law of attraction is "magical" sure.... But to attract what you want in life you also need to have common sense, if you don't have common sense.... Well you're screwed.

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