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The True Meaning of Tribute and Servitude. Clearing Up The Confusion.

I have found that many are confused about the true meaning of servitude and what a tribute actually is... To put it simply... A tribute doesn't get you ANYTHING in return. A tribute is a gift. A tribute is simply something to show your Goddess respect and admiration. A tribute is a truly selfless sacrifice.

Humans are selfish by nature, but at the end of the day, as a sub you must learn to be selfless as your journey progresses. If you decide that you want to tribute a Domme, once you send, it does NOT entitle you to any kind of Worship, session, or attention. you get absolutely NOTHING in return. Any attention that you do happen to get from a Goddess in return is a gift. And you should be grateful for it.

Any sub who tributes because he thinks he is buying the right to "Worship" a Goddess, or has any other ulterior underlying motive is not actually "tributing." he is only "sending " because he is motivated by the hope that he will get what he wants as a result. This is anything but selfless, and is definitely a "sacrifice." And not even close to what a tribute represents. In this subs mind he thinks that he is making an investment and is on the way to getting his way... And that is WRONG. Topping from the bottom is NOT how this works. (It doesn't help that the internet is now being polluted by those who have zero idea what a tribute is or what a D/s ACTUALLY consists of. It has caused a ton of "entitled subs" to emerge. Unfortunately the scene has exposed a lot of fetishists and fakes to the trained eye. And of course those subs who are newer to the scene are being miseducated. There is a lot of cleanup to do and hopefully this blog helps a bit, although this is just the tip of the iceberg.)

you can't buy the affection or the time of a Goddess by sending tribute. A Goddess is not a "sugar baby." She doesn't owe you shit.

Let Me make it clear for those who are still confused.

you can't buy a Dommes affection.

The second that a Domme recognizes your motivation She will be turned off to the idea of you serving Her.

Servitude is selfless, it's sacrifice, there should be ZERO underlying motive other than the motivation to make Her happy and make Her life easier. A sub needs to learn where to draw the line in his mind and not get confused if his feelings do expand past the point of being appropriate.

These feelings should also be communicated so the Domme has control to make the correction/right call on if the D/s should proceed or not.

subs figure out what you and what you are really looking for before wasting a Dommes time pretending to be something you're not. Be honest about what you're looking for or if you are even confused about anything. A Domme is there to guide you.

Some Dommes are into dating subs. I'm not. you can't buy Me. I'm not attracted to you, or interested in you for anything other than Servitude. I will never approach you and demand tribute, I expect My subs and those who approach Me to do so willingly and on their own. A sub should find pleasure by simply sending to a Domme that he wants to please on his own free will. A selfless gift. And guess what? Somedays I won't even talk to a sub after they tribute, maybe I'll never talk to them or even or acknowledge their existence. Deal with it. I don't owe them anything. Sending the tribute alone should have been satisfying enough for the sub and anything else that follows is simply a bonus.

If I want to explore the possibility of some form of a D/s with a sub I will. But if I don't feel a connection, I will happily accept the tribute and move on. subs have no right to get angry at a Domme that does not reciprocate their feelings. If your tribute pleased the Domme you sent it to, then your job is complete and you succeeded.

Yes, A Domme may care for Her subs, but She does not necessarily love them like a Partner or an Equal.

In My eyes a sub is not an equal, a sub is inferior and lives to worship his Superior. It's not that complicated. The lines should never be blurred.

A sub has 0 right to get angry, or toxic when he feels like he isn't getting his way. This goes against everything about what a subs true purpose is. A sub should never add stress or pain to the life of his Goddess, he is there to make Her happy, and make Her life better. A toxic sub is a sub who will be quickly cut out of his Dommes life.

A true Goddess is always honest and open, Her views and opinions are firm. you cannot buy Her. you cannot change Her. you can only try to make Her life better.

Also just to add... Any sub who walks away in debt to a Domme and doesn't make things right before leaving, was never a sub at all.

A sub should always put his Dommes happiness and comfort first. A true sub would never promise more than he could and would definitely not leave with things unsettled. he would not leave knowing his Goddess was unhappy. Because thats failure. A sub who leaves for any reason solely regarding his selfish needs is not a sub at all.

These are just straight facts. But this last topic can be left for another time... Like I said this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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