The Sacrifice In Servitude

This post is inspired by recent events. I decided that I have not touched on the subject of the real sacrifice expected of sub in a D/s TPE arrangement.
In life there are luxuries, and there are also necessities. Living in the part of the World that I am in We often forget how lucky We are to have the things that We do, and We never really think about what life would be like without those things. Call it a sense of entitlement if you will.
I have been very blessed in My life. I always had the new clothes, and the new shoes and the newest tech object growing up. Having last years anything was the end of the World to Me. Shop at Walmart? I would never dream of it. I have always had the newest and the best everything, because I deserve it. I was raised that way.
The issue that I ran into last night was one with a potential slave who swore he wanted to sacrifice his life for Me. When in reality he didn't mean it. Now, this slave had been unsuccessful at a task and in addition a tribute, he swore he just needed to reorganize his finances, however, he then slipped and told Me that he has just purchased the new iPhoneX. This particular phone has a price tag of upwards $1400. I told this slave that he did not need this new phone and that he will return it and send the money to Me. he brought up concerns of his family asking why he would return it ect. Stupid excuses. Eventually he agreed that I was right, because I was. he was supposed to return the phone the next day and failed, he also avoided confrontation all day. Late into the night we finally have a conversation where he tells Me that returning the phone is silly, because the phone is a necessity and NOT a luxury...
Now for those reading that are as dense in the head as he is, I will put the definitions of both below.
-a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort : sumptuous environment
-something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary
b : an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease
-something necessary or indispensable:
food, shelter, and other necessities of life.
-the fact of being necessary or indispensable; indispensability:
the necessity of adequate housing.
Now let Me state the obvious the newest, fanciest iPhone is NOT a necessity by any means. The iPhone will not keep him fed, put a roof over his head, or keep him alive. It is however a luxury as it provides pleasure and satisfaction in his life. The issue here? It's NOT mine. This isn't servitude, nor is it selfless, it is SELFISH on the slaves behalf.
So here is where I am going to touch on sacrifice, and selflessness. Key elements when it comes to servitude. It is obvious that this slave was being extremely selfish.
1. He decided he would keep the $1400+ iPhone instead of tributing his Queen. He couldn't even send $50. SELFISH.
2. I did NOT say he couldn't have a phone, even though a cellphone is technically A LUXURY as it is not something you need to live. (It does make slave communication easier however, so I do allow it.)
3. A older iPhone is $0 on a new contract for pretty much the same thing, but it isn't the newest. This "slave" wanted all the new fancy bells and whistles for himself and to show off. Really who does he think he is? That sense of entitlement needs to go.
4. Really all he needs in a cellphone if he is concerned for safety/work reasons. A flip phone that makes calls and maybe sends basic texts. That's all he needs. Why does he need a fancy iPhone that is full of nothing but constant distractions?
5.Really he wants the phone as a status symbol... he wants to show off... And really what status is a supposedly "selfless" slave trying to prove?
This is where privilege and entitlement comes in. This slave is deluded and thinks he has the right to have a fancy overpriced iPhone AND have a chance to serve Me, when in reality he doesn't because he can't. If you think about it this slave chose a piece of technology over the opportunity of serving a True Goddess. It is just another thing that is wrong with society today. "men" spending money on things that they cannot afford, to prove false status, and then on top of that being deluded enough to think that they still have a Goddess attainable when they can't even pay to keep Her attention.
Who would've thought "slave privilege" would be a thing??
This atrocious behavious needs to end now.
Clearly I made it evident that if this slave was to continue spoon feeding Me bullshit AND if he didn't return the phone he would be dismissed. What happiness will a slave find when the novelty of the new phone wears off? When he's alone in his room with 0 purpose? OR when the newest phone comes in that he can't afford. Or he just spends more money he doesn't have. It's a battle he will never win.
-Any slave that thinks that a fancy new piece of technology is a necessity should be drop kicked in the balls.
-Any slave that thinks he decides how money is spent when he is engaged in a TPE D/s relationship deserves to be drop kicked in the balls again.
-Any slave that thinks he needs new designer shoes, or a new outfit for leisure purposes, needs to be drop kicked in the balls yet again if he even has the nerve to try and suggest that it is a necessity.
Now what do I think falls under the category of slave necessities when serving Me?
-Food and a proper balanced diet at that, ramen noodles is not sustainable or healthy. A healthy slave is a slave who can continue to work and provide.
-Transit Money in a city, Money for a vehicle and gas in a rural setting so he can get to work and get necessities.
-A roof over his head.
-Clothing /Shoes but nothing more than the basics. New clothing is NOT a necessity when the slave has the basics covered.
-Toiletries: The slave has to be presentable and hygienic to provide.
-A means of communication. This can be broken down into sub categories.
-Cellphone, basic plan, basic phone.
-Internet access, doesn't even have to be at home, there is free access anywhere, this is a necessity so the slave can communicate with Me. If access doesn't fall into budget the slave will leave the house for access. Hence money for transit of a vehicle.
-Fancy Cellphone
-Nights/Dinners out
-Cable TV
-A New Car
-Take Out
-Data plan on phone
-Brand name food items
-Designer clothing
-Video Games
Blah blah ect.
TPE is no joke. It is serious and necessities for My slaves are NEVER overlooked. My slaves are put on a strict budget to pay for the things listed above, any excess goes to Me. The slave should be happy knowing that he is providing his Queen's happiness. That should give him more pleasure than some materialistic item ever will. My slaves are taken care of, I provide a more than reasonable budget. I am even kind enough to give them a cushion for emergency expenses.
I want My slaves healthy, happy and able to work.
If I decide to let the slave go out for dinner as a luxury that is up to Me. At times I will feel generous and allow My slave to indulge in a luxury. But luxuries are rewards, and they are NOT a necessity in a slaves life especially when he can't even afford to tribute. A slave will never be able to spoil himself especially when he has not spoiled his Queen accordingly first.
In closing... slaves live off of necessities alone to provide luxuries in their Queen's life, that is how it is supposed to be. A slave should NEVER have a luxury that his Queen does not have. The slave sacrifices for his Queen, because his Queen deserves the best, and his Queen's happiness will bring him so much more than a shitty new phone, fancy dinner, or a watch ever will. A good slave gets I treat My slaves well and would never deprive a slave of anything that would harm his well being. So if any slave that tries to challenge Me again with the stupidity I faced last night???